Help! Word could not communicate with Zotero
Hi. I keep getting the error message: "Word could not communicate with Zotero. Please ensure that Firefox is open and start again." But FF IS open! Please help!
(Word 08, FF 2.5, Zotero 2.0b7.2, Plugin 3.0a5, 0S X.6)
(Word 08, FF 2.5, Zotero 2.0b7.2, Plugin 3.0a5, 0S X.6)
This discussion has been closed.
ls -l ~/.zoteroIntegrationPipe
You should see output that looks like:
prw-r--r-- 1 simon simon 0 Oct 4 18:39 /Users/simon/.zoteroIntegrationPipe
(The name will be yours, and the date will be different, but everything else should be the same.) If this works, then try:
echo 'MacWord2008 addCitation' > ~/.zoteroIntegrationPipe
Post the output here.
When Firefox asks, press "OK" to let it be opened in Script Editor, and then press Run. Post any error message you see here.
"COMMAND: app(u'/Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft').make(new=k.custom_document_property,with_properties={ u'ZOTERO_PREF_1',k.value: u'<data>session id="iRWZ1WDR"/><style id="" hasBibliography="0"/></prefs></data>'}, at=app(u'/Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft
alias ((path to home folder as text) & ".zoteroIntegrationPipe")
do shell script "echo 'MacWord2008 addCitation' > ~/.zoteroIntegrationPipe"
What do you think?
Mean anything?
i have the same problem
so i tried to paste :
in the url bar firefox
i obtained this message
error "Le fichier alias Macintosh HD:Users:t0m:.zoteroIntegrationPipe of «script» est introuvable." number -43
what can i do now to resolve this pb?
I face a similar problem after upgrading to Zotero 2.0.2 and the new MacWord plugin 3.0a9.
The error message reads:
error "Die Datei „alias ILU:Users:ILU:.zoteroIntegrationPipe of «script»“ wurde nicht gefunden." number -43
(it basically means the file, "alias..........." could not be found.
Thanks and regards
I also have the same problem. Word keeps saying "Word cannot communicate with Zotero."
1: I have my account name does not contain any spaces.
2: I tried the other solution posted in this discussion, but nothing happens when I click "Reinstall Word Components." I could not find any updates when I follow Firefox's Tools menu -> Add-ons -> Extensions -> Find Updates.
I am using Mac OS X 10.5.8,
MacWord 2008,
Firefox 3.6.2,
Zotero 2.0.2,
MacWord Integration 3.0b.1
I tried, and it says "PythonExt does not work in FF 3.6.2"
Should I uninstall Firefox 3.6.2 and install FF 3.5?
It should work fine in 3.6.2.
Is this issue caused by my PC and Word run by Japanese language?
But the same message "Word could not communicate with Zotero" appeared.
What can I do? What is the problem?????
I think Zotero folder exists in correct place, if I understood your instruction correctly. What else would you suggest?
do shell script "echo 'MacWord2008 addBibliography' > ~/.zoteroIntegrationPipe"
on error
display alert "Word could not communicate with Zotero. Please ensure that Firefox is open and try again." as critical
[script removed — D.S.]
But I got an error message saying "There needs " ", but..."
What can I do?
"Found identifier where shoud be ","", and it highlights "com" part below.
(run script "version of application id ¥"com.Microsoft.Word¥"") as text ウ 12