British Library - Could not Save Item error


I'm having problems with saving references from the British Library website (it used to be ok). For example:

I've tried all the troubleshooting steps (except that I'm still using Zotero 1.0) for translator issues, and tried both the folder list and single item methods of saving but neither works.

It says that the translator type is Library Catalog (Aleph), but I seem to be able to save items in this format from my own university's catalogue, so not sure what the problem might be.

Any ideas?

  • I am also having this problem. Importing their records from the clipboard doesn't work, either. Please note that this is one of the most important libraries in the world for historians. Thank you!
  • ahxft, mgrowhoski,

    Saving items via anonymous access to the Integrated Catalogue seems to work for me (first of the four options under this top-level link).

    The link posted by ahxft leads to a Reader Pass login screen. I'm on the other side of the planet from the St Pancras facility, and don't have a reader number, so I'm afraid I can't help there.
  • Anonymous access works for me as well. Tested with Zotero 2.0b6.3 in Firefox 3.5 and Zotero 1.0.10 in Firefox 3.0.10.

    If you generate debug output for the save attempt and send it to, with a link to this thread, we can take a look.

    mgrowhoski: Are you using anonymous access or a login? Also note that Import from Clipboard only works with data in the import/export formats Zotero supports (e.g., RIS, Refer, MODS, BibTeX)—I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but I don't see any supported formats on the British Library site.
  • Hi,

    I can, indeed, add a reference when browsing anonymously, but the translator seems to disregard catalogue entries when logged in.
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