ID: 427287862

I can't synchronize zotero!
When I try, a window opens and tells "conflit resolution".
Could you help me to resolve my problem?
Thanks a lot
(my ID is 427287862)
  • Do you use Zotero on two or more computers - and is it possible that one or more items have been modified on more than one computer prior to syncing? In this case a conflict resolution screen is expected and you should go through the conflict resolution process (I personally have never done it, but I believe it should be as simple as deciding which version you want to keep).

    If this is not the case, or the conflict resolution process is not working for some reason please provide details of your situation or what isn't working.
  • when I try to syncing, the window "conflict resolution" appears with three columns : objet local-objet distant-objet fusionné.
    I have already deleted the item indicated in these columns but the result doesn't change.
    I only use zotero on my computer so I don't understand what the problem is...
  • Select the version you want and click Next/Finish.
  • I have already deleted the item indicated in these columns but the result doesn't change.
    It sounds like the item might still be in your Zotero trashcan (which is located in the left panel, expand "my library" and scroll down if necessary), Dan's advice still applies though.
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