Plain text author entry

I really like the principle of Zotero, but the one annoying little thing that keeps pushing me away is the way Zotero handles authors.

In every other package I have used (e.g. Endnote, Mendeley, BibTeX), authors can be typed easily into a simple text field, as (for example):
Bloggs, J.
Smith, A. (Endnote or Mendeley, authors separated by linebreak)
Bloggs, J. and Smith, A. (BibTeX, authors separated by "and")
Either option is very easy and quick to type.

However in Zotero, each author must be entered in a separate field. And when there are a number of authors, each new author field must be created by clicking with the mouse. And all this must be done in a (by default anyway) very cramped space down at the corner of your screen. This is extremely frustrating.

Could an alternative author entry method be developed with just a single textbox for all authors, where their names are typed separated by a linebreak, semicolon, "and" or something else? This would be far easier for the user than the current interface, especially given the small space available.

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