How to? "Multiple" citations (Word Plugin)

Is there a way to convert individual references into multiple references??

For example, lif you have a citation in your document:
... It is a test [1].

But then you find more references you have to add them so it would now be multiple citations:
... another test [1, 3, 5]
... another test [1-3]
... another test [1-3, 5]

but instead you get:
... another test [1][3][5] (with separate citations)
... another test [1][2][3] (with separate citations)
... another test [1][2][3][5] (with separate citations)

Is there a way merge them into one "multiple" citation?

Thanks, thanks a lot!!!!!
  • There is a "Multiple Sources" option on the Add/Edit Citation window.

    Check out this screen cast that includes a discussion of Multiple Citations

    Is that what you are looking for?
  • edited February 20, 2010
    Edit: Sorry, started writing this before arggem posted his comment - my comment pretty much replicates his.

    Assuming you are using one of the word processor plugins there is a "multiple sources" button in the "add citation" dialog box. In your case, when you find additional references you would need to place the cursor within the existing citation, click the "edit citation" button, then click "multiple sources" and add the other references.
  • to add to that - there is no way to merge exisiting individual citations, though. You'll have to delete 2,3, and 5 and then follow the steps arggem and Bionatsci describe.
  • You are PREFECT!
    Thanks a lot, it is exactly what I wanted to do!
  • @adamsmith: "there is no way to merge exisiting individual citations". That's my eaxct issue at the moment. Sorry to hear that it is not possible. Can the fields be manually edited to merge them? It is not a big deal but sure would be handy if that were possible. It's a bit of a pain to delete/add/delete/add....
  • I don't think that would work - I'd keep my hands off the fields and even if possible that process would likely include so much careful checking, copyting, pasting etc. that it wouldn't be a time saver.
    While this ability would be nice, I'd argue that in the larger scheme of things it's a pretty rare situation - coming up on very few occasion in regular writing an otherwise just a "beginners' mistake". So I don't think this should be a huge priority - as opposed to, e.g. being able to re-order the items in a multiple citation.
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