"exporting" tag cloud?
have people started working on exporting the tag cloud feature? i love this for categorizing my own notes (rather than folders/"collections", as has been discussed often on this forum) and i'd like to take this out of zotero and into other's hands. for example, if i have 100 references tagged, it would be amazing to generate a bibliography with a tag cloud on top, linking to the bottom (i'd be happy to implement a tool for this in PHP if the raw data were spit out)... or at the minimum, something of a tag cloud idea?
Something like this?
that way i can generate an unordered list with css classes, have it be cool and dynamic and stuff... basically hte only way i can "share" a tag cloud right now with anyone else is by taking a screenshot and cropping it to just show the tag cloud, which is a pretty weak usage of an incredibly powerful (much more than collections et al) tool...
SELECT name, COUNT(*) AS count FROM itemTags NATURAL JOIN tags WHERE libraryID IS NULL GROUP BY name ORDER BY count DESC, name;
thats fantastic! I was able to download an SQLite client and export that query to a CSV (except I changed it to sort by name, because it looks better in the cloud format). I'm now quickly building something that will convert that CSV to a nice web format... Here's the question, is there any way the program can output something like that directly (I'm really not good with building a Firefox extension) or concentrate it in the reports or something like that?
I'm not sure in what way exactly Zotero would export something like this directly.