
Until yesterday, I had been able to save citation info without trouble using ProQuest (which I use for probably 50% of my references). Then I manually updated my scrapers. Now, when I click the save icon on any item I get "Could not save item: an error occurred while saving this item", etc.

So I assume it's not due to a change made by ProQuest.

  • Thanks for the heads up. ProQuest has made some changes to their site. A new Zotero translator will be available shortly.
  • proquest (APS--American Periodicals Series Online) was working for me a few days ago, but not now. anyone else experiencing the same thing? -joshua
  • Just for the record, I'm also getting errors when trying to save anything from ProQuest (just noticed this today).
  • A new Zotero user complained about Proquest - I would like to make a good impression as folks arrive back on campus.
    I arrived at this improvement in the the proquest translator, but it is still not complete, as the journal name is not found, and so the type is not arrived at properly.
    the title and author are no longer in td element, but are not in DIV elements.
    the additional information is no longer inside tbody, just table.
    // changed from td, to div.
    var xpath = '//div[@class="headerBlack"]/strong';
    newItem.title = doc.evaluate(xpath, doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext().textContent;

    // Authors
    var xpath = '//div[@class="textMedium"]/a/em';
    var elmts = doc.evaluate(xpath, doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
    while(elmt = elmts.iterateNext()) {
    // there are sometimes additional tags representing highlighting
    var author = elmt.textContent;
    if(author) {
    newItem.creators.push(Zotero.Utilities.cleanAuthor(author, "author"));
    // changed from ../tbody/td
    // Other info
    var xpath = '//table[@id="tableIndexTerms"]/tr';
    I hope this can help debug this problem.
  • (please correct the test to read "... no longer in td elements, but are NOW in div elements ...)
  • Thanks for the heads up. ProQuest now supports RIS export, so we're currently updating our translator to use it instead (more reliable than screen-scraping). Thanks again.
  • I am trying to understand if I have the latest version of this translator
    does the 20-Aug 2007 release of Z have this RIS export?
    When this is updated will the translator have the same GUID, or a different one?

    I have updated my scrapers -- (24 aug) and the Proquest scraper does not seem to
    have updated. (GUID a77690cf-c5d1-8fc4-110f-d1fc765dcf88 ).
    still examining strong elements, etc.
    Maybe if each translator came with a version number itself, it would be easier to
    talk about these things?
    Thanks a lot,
    Rick Silterra (
  • i've also tried since Aug 20 and had same experience as zpinhead. For what it's worth, Proquest is really impt for Engl. grad students; i'm a grad student at Penn eager to encourage my peers to adopt Zotero, and i'd love to be able to show them how well it could work with Proquest. So--another request--please make RIS for Proquest a priority! thanks, joshua
  • We're working on it right now. Should have something very soon, and when we do, your copy of Zotero will auto-update within 24 hours. (You can also manually check for updates in preferences.)
  • edited August 31, 2007
    The ProQuest translator has been fixed and pushed into the repository. Installations of Zotero will automatically update within 24 hours, or you can manually update your copy in the Zotero preferences.
  • I am not sure this translator is 100% functional -- or if I have blundered into some
    edge case. I look at a record, and the has been determined as shows up as a 'Web page' so it does not have ISSN, volume, issue, and page number data. The RIS is being parsed but it seems like parts are missed.

    Looking at this record -- what seems wonky to you?

    and at the RIS that gets downloaded.

    Provider: Proquest Company Inc.
    Database: Proquest

    Content: text/html
    DBvendor=ProQuest Information and Learning Company

    TY - JOUR

    AU - Glenn-marie Lange
    TI - Wealth, Natural Capital, and Sustainable Development: Contrasting Examples from Botswana and Namibia
    JO - Environmental and Resource Economics
    PY - Nov 2004
    SN - 09246460
    VL - 29
    IS - 3
    SP - 257
    UR -

    AB - Theoretical work has demonstrated that sustainable development requires non-declining per capita wealth, where wealth is defined to include produced, natural, human and social capital. Several studies have attempted to measure total national wealth or changes in wealth, but have been seriously hampered by a lack of data, especially for natural and human capital. To address this problem, the UN and other international statistical agencies developed a standardized framework for environmental accounts, the System of integrated Environmental and Economic Accounts (SEEA). Using the newly available asset accounts for natural capital, national wealth accounts are constructed and used to assess the contrasting development paths of Botswana and Namibia. Botswana, with an explicit policy of reinvestment of resource rents, has roughly tripled per capita wealth and national income over the past two decades. Namibia, with no explicit policy to use natural capita to build wealth, has seen per capita wealth and income decline. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]

    KW - Studies
    KW - Sustainable development
    KW - Wealth
    KW - Capital
    KW - Environmental accounting
    KW - Environmental economics
    KW - Economic theory
    ER -
  • here is some output from debugging.
    15:52:32 ===>Returned item:
    'itemType' => "undefined"
    'creators' ...
    '0' ...
    'lastName' => "KirkWhite"
    'firstName' => "T"
    'creatorType' => "author"
    'notes' ...
    '0' ...
    'note' => "Black-white wealth inequality is much greater than black-white earnings inequality in the United States. The existing empirical literature has not been able to fully explain the wealth gap. This paper investigates how much of current black-white income and wealth inequality can be explained by initial conditions at Emancipation and nearly 100 years of segregated schools. A two-sector model with group-specific human capital accumulation and school expenditure differences can explain the path of black-white convergence in earnings over the past 130 years. The model also reproduces the fact that black-white wealth ratios remain much lower than black-white earnings ratios. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT] "
    'tags' ...
    '0' => "Income inequality"
    '1' => "Wealth"
    '2' => "Emancipation of slaves"
    '3' => "Economic models"
    '4' => "Studies"
    'seeAlso' ...
    'attachments' ...
    '0' ...
    'url' => " "
    'title' => "Initial conditions at Emancipation: The long-run effect on black-white wealth and earnings inequality"
    'publicationTitle' => "Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control"
    'date' => "Oct 2007"
    'ISBN' => "01651889"
    'ISSN' => "01651889"
    'volume' => "31"
    'issue' => "10"
    'pages' => "3370"
    'url' => " "
    'complete' => function(...){...}
    'repository' => "ProQuest"
    15:52:32 ===>Translation successful<===(string)

    It seems to me that the type should not be undefined.

    I cobbled in some logic, in parseRIS,
    translator.setHandler("itemDone", function(obj, item) {
    var cre = new Array();
    if (item.ISSN) { item.itemType = 'journalArticle';}
    else { if (item.issue) item.itemType = 'journalArticle';}
    to set this, as I cannot decipher the RIS logic for setting the type.
  • edited August 31, 2007
    The error concerning record item types has been fixed. Also, the translator now works again through EZproxy. Don't forget to update your Zotero installation via the Zotero prefs to receive the updated translator immediately. Thanks.
  • Looks great! I will try through ez proxy tonite!
  • Thanks again for working on this. I want to report only partial success; I can get only parts of the Proquest American Periodicals Series to work.

    When I first search and get a full list of documents, zotero recognizes them all as a folder, but when i narrow my interest to 'My Research' after clicking on the few relevant articles, zotero doesn't recognize that subset as a folder. additionally, when i click on a single entry, i can get zotero to scrape only in the 'abstract' version, and trying to save the pdfs always fails.

    i've tried on my own computer and on a friend's--my own zotero has lots of items, but i'd just downloaded zotero to my friend's computer today. anyone else encountering similar problems? i'm happy to duplicate my searches if someone can tell me what data is most useful to help you identify the problem.

    again--a few months ago Proquest APS worked magnificently with zotero--capturing everything including linked pdfs...
    thanks, joshua
  • Hello again--i've updated to 1.0.0rc4, but still can't get the pdfs to link automatically from proquest. anyone else having this issue? oddly, i WAS able to get pdfs to link in July, when lots of other folks were having trouble....

    i tried project muse; no luck there either.

    thanks, joshua
  • ok, updated to 1.0, and selecting individual articles from folder view now gets all metadata and places abstract text into associated note file, but the associated pdf snapshot says "ProQuest Authentication Error 1011" and clicking the link fails. Perhaps this is because i get to ProQuest via UPenn's proxy service? But i imagine lots of academics use similar proxy services....thanks, joshua
  • I, too, find the way proquest works less than optimal. After two unsuccessful attempts, I finally got data to import, but fields are missing. Why are there no "School" or "Pages" fields in the record type Thesis?
  • Why are there no "School" or "Pages" fields in the record type Thesis?
    The Thesis type has University and Pages field. Can you give us a URL where fields are missed when importing?
    This is a doctoral dissertation, but I guess what is going on is that worldcat has it stored in the record form "book"? It looks like a number of the fields aren't importing.
  • bump.

    Proquest site translator doesn't seem to be working.
  • This thread is 2.5 years old, and the problems it discusses were fixed at that time.

    Post a new thread with some sample URLs that aren't working for you, and the error message from "Report Errors" in the gear menu.
This discussion has been closed.