Bibtex export organisation name

Is it possible to get Zotero to export an organisation name to Bibtex correctly? At present if I export anything with "The Department of Agriculture" as the author, it comes out in Bibtex as:

author = {The Department of Agriculture},

This formats in a citation as "of Agriculture, T. D.". I can manually edit the BibTex file to:

author = "{The Department of Agriculture}",

which will form a citation correctly, but it is a nuisance to manually edit a BibTex file every time I add a new reference and reexport it from Zotero.

Is there some way to get Zotero to insert "" as above whenever Zotero is set up to display the name as a string rather than "Surname, Initials"? If not, please consider this a feature request.

By the way, well done with all the work you've put in to this program, it is excellent overall.
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