Not to destroy undo functionality of Word
I am sure this question must have been asked more than once but searching through forums (and briefly through web) I wasn't able to locate definite answer.
Is it possible to write VBScript in a way, that Word will treat it as one Undo step when you run it? Right now, if you hit refresh or if you insert or update bibliography, you end up with hundreds of gibberish undo steps. There is no way of going back. Jar is broken and milk is spilled, soaking into the ground.
If there is not any function on this, wouldn't be some work-around possible (something like auto-saving before&after snapshots). How is this on OpenOffice - does it fare any better when it comes to undoing Zotero scripts?
Is it possible to write VBScript in a way, that Word will treat it as one Undo step when you run it? Right now, if you hit refresh or if you insert or update bibliography, you end up with hundreds of gibberish undo steps. There is no way of going back. Jar is broken and milk is spilled, soaking into the ground.
If there is not any function on this, wouldn't be some work-around possible (something like auto-saving before&after snapshots). How is this on OpenOffice - does it fare any better when it comes to undoing Zotero scripts?
So, if you guys say to have no clue for the moment, I might try my luck with some Microsoft MVPs and post the results here...
See more info on here:
and example code here:
What do you think? Would it be possible to apply this method?
PS: It is interesting, that PowerPoint "undos" script in one step and for MS Project there is a special procedure to call - but Word libraries do not contain it - frustrating...