Cannot import from Biosis

I see this discussion came up in the past, but I seem to be having the same problem now. I just started using Zotero and was working with Web of Science and Biosis. WOS works fine, but no icon shows up in the address bar when using the BIOSIS database. The same thing happens when "all databases" is selected. My colleague at university has no problem. I am off-site, but use university proxy to access the databases. All other DB's I have tried function properly. I am using Zotero 2.0 and Firefox 3.5.7

Anything I can do?
    note 5 and 6 in particular.
    If that doesn't help provide sample URL (including proxy), sample URL and error report ID.
  • Thanks for your prompt reply.

    In response to your suggestions:
    I have the latest version of Zotero and Firefox and translators
    4. I do not see a zotero icon in the firefox address bar. That is the problem.
    5. 3rd party cookies accepted
    6. All add-ons except zotero disabled
    7. Database integrity is fine.

    This is the site I am accessing:
  • OK this is a bug, but one easy to circumvent:
    If you search in Web of Science instead of Biosis (for the same article) this will work.
    Similarly, if you search in all databases on isiknowledge it won't
    I hope that helps for your purposes, but maybe someone can take a look at the translator - it seems to depend on the "product=BIOSIS" part:
    This works

    while this doesn't:
  • To add to this, some BIOSIS references cannot be found in WOS, however if the holdings of your institution include a subscription to original journal reference you can track the link back to that reference page, which for the larger journal aggregates will be translated by Zotero. Additionally, isiknowledge does not in general have links to the PDF of the article, while the original source will, which Zotero will download.
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