Adding New Item Type (Dissertation)


I tried to find info about this in the forms, but wasn't having much luck. I'm working on my dissertation and many of the resources are dissertations, but I couldn't find such an item type nor a way to create one.

MLA allows this and the citation has .diss in it. So now I have to change all of my dissertation entries in the works cited list. Any help is appreciated.
  • There is a "Thesis" item type.
  • and MLA should look correct with this.
  • Thanks for the quick reply... Just looked at the form guide I'm required to use (Slade - Form and Style 13th Ed) and they don't have a listing for thesis, but rather dissertation and the citing for the bibliography uses "Diss." I'm unable to just use something else because of the requirements of my Doctoral program. Trying to figure out a way to use Zotero (with out too much trouble) within my constrictions. Thanks.
  • You might take a quick look at the guide to making simple changes to citation styles. It might look intimidating at first. Once you get a little bit of a feel for it making small changes is generally quite straightforward.
  • well, but if you use thesis - does it look right? You can put "Diss." in the type field - that makes it a doctoral thesis - aka dissertation.
  • Okay. I'll give it a shot. I was just told that it would be alright because the dissertation is considered a dissertation. So, one way or another...I'm a happy camper. Thanks!

    Thanks Tjowens for the link... I'll take a look at it for future reference!

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