Problems with CSA translator

When I download a reference from a CSA database (such as Sociological Abstracts or PAIS), the name of the author is not downloaded. There seems to be a problem with the translator... Can anybody help ?
  • I had no trouble with author names in Sociological Abstracts. Can you run through the list of translator issues and see if any of these resolve your issue?
  • Unfortunately, I have run through all the points, but I still have this problem. it happens for all the references I tried to download on a CSA database. For example, on Sociological Abstracts, for the following record : the report ID is : 1082006543.
  • can you provide a search string? The above URL is tied to a specific session, I believe.
  • For instance, I just run the following search on Sociological Abstracts : KW = children and KW = Brazil, and I tried to download the sixth article on the list : "Child labor and mother's work in Brazil", and the name of the author was not downloaded... Two colleagues of mine, working in the same institute, tried to download a reference from Sociological Abstracts, and they had the same problem...
  • hmm that's weird. It works fine for me with all three authors - both using the folder icon and selecting from the list and clicking on the article and then using the article icon in the URL bar.
    That's with Zotero 2.0b7.6
    Which Zotero version are you running?
  • I am using Zotero 1.0. As Zotero 2.0 is a beta version, I preferred to wait before downloading it...
  • OK - then at least we know where the problem is now.

    Btw. - if you don't use any of the syncing functionality, 2.0 is as stable if not more so than 1.0. Many people are using it for their research/dissertations etc.
  • I am really sorry, but I have downloaded Zotero 2.0, restarted Firefox, updated my database... and it still does not work... If I download the reference of this article "Child labor and mother's work in Brazil", the names of the authors are not downloaded, in the Author field, there is only (last) , (first), and in the reference, the article is anonymous... The way I try to download it is by clicking on the icon in the URL bar,if it can be useful...
  • What translator is listed in parentheses when you hover over the URL bar icon?
  • edited January 18, 2010
    Cambridge Scientific Abstracts... It seems to be all right !But it does not work... I have also downloaded the last version of Firefox, 3.5.7...
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