Automatically the keywords of the items are added as tags

I want to customize the tag cloud and do not like the keywords of the items are automatically added as tags. So I uncheck the responsive function in the pref. However it does not work when I add citations from sciencedirect. Ps. it works when adding citations from other scholar sites.
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  • However it does not work when I add citations from sciencedirect
    I presume by this you mean that automatic tags are still added to items from scienceirect but not to those from other sites?

    This behaviour doesn't occur when I use Zotero with sciencedirect, I have had the pref. unchecked for months and use sciencedirect regularly, so it doesn't appear to be a general problem with automatic tags. First of all, have you restarted firefox since changing the pref (you probably shouldn't need to but it's best to eliminate the simple things first)? Also which version of Zotero are you using?
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