Spacing issue with correspondence item type, MHRA style


I have a problem that has started occurring recently (i.e. was certainly not an issue before Christmas 2024). I am using the MHRA citation style (4th edition, note with bibliography). When I cite correspondence, the footnote that Zotero produces is missing a space between the name of the author and the word "to". So for example, for a piece of correspondence between John Doe and Jane Doe, the citation would read:

John Doeto Jane Doe, [Date], [Archive], [Location in Archive], etc.

Previously I was on one of the v6 releases. I have now updated to v7 in the hope that it might fix this bug, but to no avail.

I am not sure why this problem has only started occurring recently.

I am a PhD student who will be submitting their dissertation soon, with lots of citations to letters and other correspondence which are now all formatted incorrectly... Help!
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