Reprints or reissues


I'm trying to add a citation for a reprint of a book. I believe proper formatting requires that I have the original date and the date of the reprint like this (MLA):

Lewis, David. On the Plurality of Worlds. 1986. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2002.

However, I'm not sure how to properly input both the original publication date and the date of the reprint so as to make the formatting come out correctly. I must be overlooking something very simple. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  • It's not currently supported, though there are plans for a new, more flexible, data model and (I guess) UI to handle it.
  • Thanks for letting me know. Now I'm looking forward to the enhanced UI.
  • More than two years later I want to bring the issue back up. I am currently trying to put some newspaper articles into zotero, which are reprinted in a book. having a feature for this would be great. especially as zotero is run by a team of historians as far as i know. many thanks in advance...
  • I'd like to bump this too, I cite a number of essays reprinted in edited volumes. It's a pain to keep track of it.
  • Yes, this would be a very good addition.

    Why not simply (?) add an additional data field - "reprint date" - which could then be picked up by the citation style and added to the citation?
  • Oops! Already being addressed: <>; - Sorry.
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