Modern Humanites Research Association 3rd edition keeps disappearing when opening Zotero

I've been using MHRA 3rd edition (which is not the same of the University of York edition) and now it's disappeared from the style list. I had downloaded it and installed it but every time I open Zotero, the 3rd edition citation style is gone and I have to install it again. And again.. Every single time.

Does anyone have any idea of what the problem is? Has MHRA 3rd edition been removed and if so, any chance of putting it back up?

I'm running Zotero 7.0.13.
  • edited yesterday at 9:12pm
    Where are you installing from? The style is now on the 4th edition, and the previous version was updated to that version last week. The 3rd edition style is no longer available from us, and if you install an old version of the official style, it will auto-update to the 4th edition. humanities
  • (MHRA has officially withdrawn the 3rd edition, which is why we at CSL removed the style rather than keeping both 3rd and 4th edition, as we often do for other styles)
  • Thanks for your replies dstillman and adamsmith. Much appreciated. That makes sense. My uni hasn’t moved to the 4th edition yet :(. I’ll have to chase and see if they will be changing soon given that the 3rd edition is now gone. Thanks again
  • If you must use the 3rd edition, we can tell you how to get that version back, but seems silly to require a style for which you can no longer get the style guide
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