EZ proxy on mobile (iPad)

edited 3 days ago

I have been using Zotero on desktop, and I love its EZ proxy function. Basically, as I access resources from major publishers, the chrome extension learns to redirect me to the publisher’s website through my institutional proxy by automatically changing the url.
I was wondering if the same function is available for mobile, and more specifically in iOS apps. Or, alternatively, if you know workarounds that aren’t too clunky.
  • We definitely can't do it in the browser on iOS — we can't even do it in the Safari extension on macOS due to limitations of the extension framework that Apple provides.

    In theory we could make it possible to open proxied links from Zotero, but 1) we wouldn't be able to do the same sort of auto-detection to configure the proxy settings, so you'd have to set it up manually (or we'd have to come up with a way to sync proxy settings from another device, but that gets complicated with multiple potential browsers involved) and 2) it wouldn't help for just browsing the web, only for links you opened within Zotero, so I'm not sure it'd even be worth it.
  • Thanks for clarifying, it’s good to know it’s impossible, as opposed to my own fault for not understanding how it’s done.
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