Process for deleting/reinstating Zotero database for Windows upgrade

My university needs me to wipe my local storage (where Zotero database is stored) in preparation for a Windows 11 upgrade.

I have an unlimited cloud storage plan, so I presume this is not a problem? My understanding is that, after the local drive is wiped and Windows 11 installed, I would then need to create a new Zotero database folder, and Zotero would then automatically download files from the online synced files?

Can you confirm that I am correct? I don't want to make a catastrophic mistake!

  • edited 21 days ago
    If you can access all your data and files in the web library online, you should be fine just resyncing after (just as if you were using any new computer), but to be safe you should make a backup copy of your Zotero data directory. (And that really just applies to your entire home folder. You should never wipe your computer without backing up all your user data.)

    Restoring from the backup instead of resyncing would also avoid things like Zotero having to reindex all your PDFs.
  • Just be sure you don't have any "linked" attachment files (ie attachments stored elsewhere on your computer). If you did, they would have to be separately copied off the computer, and then copied back to it after the new OS installation (to the same location).
  • @dstillman thank you for clarifying

    @tim820 thanks too, doesn't apply in this case but worth knowing!
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