Update reference (item)

Is there a way to automatically update a reference in the database (Journal or Pubmed to Zotero, not Zotero to Word pluguin)? For example, after an online pre-published article gets assigned volume and page numbers, it would be great to just update the reference (like in Endnote), instead of a) either delete & re-download (which probably breaks links to Word) or b) manually add all that stuff.
(Anyway, thanks to all for this fantastic & free Zotero!)
  • generally planned, but not currently possible, no, sorry.
  • Current best option is to download the new item and merge with old (which preserves the links to Word).
  • I would be interested in this functionality as well.
  • I would like to have this function
  • Same here. Just spent most of my time correcting proofs because of that.
  • Oy! The number of Arxiv links that creep into my references. Would love this too.
  • Also from my side - would be very useful. For me, the idea is to both update selected references and bulk-wise. Ideally, identify all entries without volume and page information, but with a DOI (PMID...) and allow for bulk updating these. It would make life a bit easier for users.
  • I'm just bumping this :). I know that there's other software that does this - I was using some PDF organiser for a while there that did it, though the name escapes me. Thank you to team Zotero for all your amazing work!
  • I strongly support this feature. As far as I know, Zotero is the only main reference manager without this feature.
  • Would love to see this feature. Endnote has it. it is very convenient.

    Also, it would be nice to retrieve the references from the same source, such as pubmed. so the citations would look consistent.
  • very much would like to see this. Often fields (like date) are missing depending on the source
  • I would also like to see this
  • +1 as this is one of my major gripes about Zotero (which I really like otherwise - fantastic tool).
  • +1 thanks for this great tool! I am still doing the save new citation and merge with old one.
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