Zotero Storage Solutions for Research Teams


I am part of a research team within a small Italian company. We are considering subscribing to Zotero's paid plan. Our team consists of approximately 15 members, and we believe that 2 terabytes of storage would suffice for our needs. We seek guidance on the best approach to proceed.

Our current plan is for one member to create a paid account and set up a group to share our files and storage. Is this the most suitable method for our situation, or is there a more appropriate solution?

Additionally, if I save a file in the shared group library, does it consume storage only from the paid account's quota?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.
  • If you're looking to provide storage for a small team, generally a Zotero Lab subscription.

  • What would be the advantage of this solution over an account with 2 Gb of storage? Creating a group in zotero and sharing it would provide a cheaper solution. Correct? could you illustrate the differences?
  • If you actually meant 2GB that would work fine. Yes storage in groups only counts against the group owner's quota.

    If you meant 2 TB as you said in your original post, you would need Unlimited storage. 2 TB is a massive amount in the context of standard Zotero usage. Groups of users working with that large libraries generally end up breaking them up into multiple group libraries as well as doing work in their personal libraries. Lab subscriptions provide unlimited storage for the personal and group libraries of all covered users.
  • You're right. I wrote two terabytes, but I meant 2 GB. So, if this space is sufficient, we could opt for the solution with a paid account that creates a group.

    How does it work with groups created this way? If a group member (other than the paying user) adds a document, is it counted against the storage available to the paying user (in this case, the 2 GB)? Is that correct? I appreciate your support.
  • If a group member (other than the paying user) adds a document, is it counted against the storage available to the paying user (in this case, the 2 GB)?
    Correct. Storage for a group counts against the group owner's quota, but as long as they have the appropriate permissions for the group any member can upload files.

  • edited 26 days ago
    With the Group strategy, if one of your staff wanted to also create a personal library, they would not be covered by the Group owner's 2GB. They would only have 300mb free file syncing for the personal library (of course anyone can store as many files as they wish in a personal library locally on their *personal* computer). So if you want to make everyone use the Group, that would be a way of doing it. ;)

    But 2GB is not a very large allowance. Many researchers have personal libraries much bigger than that. So it might or might not be enough for your specific needs. If your 15 staff start adding to it, 2GB could quickly be exhausted. It really depends on exactly what you want to store in it.
  • 群组文件可以使用webdav方式存储吗
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