No Icon in the Address bar

I have no book icon, or any other icon in my address bar. I have the Z icon in the status bar, and can pull up the window at the bottom of the screen, but there is no icon in the navigation bar to click on when on a website I want to import.

Can someone help me. I am a Vista user and running the latest Firefox and just downloaded Zotoro for the first time. Never used it before, and trying to get it to work. Thanks for the help
  • I also have been using Zotero for a day now and have never gotten an icon to appear in the address bar. I have all the updated versions of Firefox and Zotero. Is there an option I haven't set yet?
  • provide an example of an or page that isn't working for you.
  • Amazon doesn't provide data for e-books. Try this instead:
  • No, the translator icon hasn't popped up for any website at all. I haven't seen it and I've been on it for about 10 hours. I have been entering everything in.

    It wasn't there for the paperback version of the books, for any articles on the either.
    some of these apply, some don't, but please run through all of the relevant ones and please be explicit about what you did (don't just say "I did all of that") - and provide all the relevant system info (OS, FF version, Zotero version)
  • Adam, I had the same problem too, but when I used the link above you provided, the blue book icon does indeed show up.
  • so where does it not show up?
  • Where its supposed to, in the address bar on the right. I think us new users aren't fully aware that it only appears for certain websites. I just assumed it showed up for every webpage.
  • Oh, where does it not show up...missed that part. I was just assuming it would work, say, on my own news site, like when I found an article (I knew it wouldn't import the bib data though, of course). I'm learning as I go, though.
  • (I knew it wouldn't import the bib data though, of course)
    If you weren't expecting to import bibliographic data anyway, then you just want to use the Create New Item from Current Page button in the Zotero toolbar. The address bar icon is only for high-quality bib data.
  • Yeah, thats what I've been doing. However, when you are using JSTOR for my research, this thing is a dream. Loving how it imports to Word. Awesome.
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