zotero has timed out after 15000ms, no pdf
i have tried update and close all the progress then reopen zotero and the website, unluckily, nothing changed.
thanks for helping me.
thanks for helping me.
"no pdf" can mean all sorts of different things in the context of Zotero. We can't see your screen, so if you want our help, you need to explain exactly what you're doing and what exactly is happening. Steps to Reproduce explains the kind of precise description we need.
If you're on the above article URL rather than the PDF URL and you're getting "An error occurred while saving this item", that would mean that this in fact has nothing to do with a PDF — it means Zotero isn't able to save an item to your library at all. Is that correct?
Are you able to save anything from your browser to Zotero? E.g., this forum page?
If you go to your browser's Extensions pane and view details for Zotero Connector, under Site Access, does it say "On All Sites"?
First, let me answer your questions.
1.Zotero is able to save webpage to my library. It is only unable to save pdf.
2.I can save this forum page to zotero from my browser.
3. I have checked the site access, it says"On all sites".
Today i met the same problem as 9 days ago:"has timed out after 15000ms" .
Report ID: 426057962
The full content is "[JavaScript Error: "HTTP request to has timed out after 15000ms" {file: "chrome-extension://nmhdhpibnnopknkmonacoephklnflpho/zotero.js" line: 314}]".
I can't figure out how to save pdf to Zotero.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open zotero and browser. Right- Click the zotero in browser, then click "update status" and"reset translators".
2. Choose and find the website which has the pdf i want. E.g,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960148124023395
3. Click the zotero in browser again, i see"save to zotero(ScienceDirect)", and i choose a filter collections, i choose "ok" .Then the "catalogue and snapshot" changes from grey to black in a short time, but the pdf "ScienceDirect Full Text PDF" is still grey after a long time.
4.Go back to zotero application, i can see web page and snapshot, but nothing about pdf.
How can i get the pdf successfully? This kind of problem happens some times. Thanks for your time.
The messages you keep posting (again, we only want Report IDs here) don't have anything to do with PDF saving.
ScienceDirect employs some aggressive anti-bot protections, particularly for some geographic restrictions, so if this is only happening on ScienceDirect, that's all this is. You may need to download the PDF to disk and drag it onto the parent item in Zotero for now.
Note, though, that you should occasionally see a CAPTCHA window within the Zotero app while trying to save from ScienceDirect, which you'll need to click through for saving to work. You can restart Zotero and your browser and try again to see if that shows up.
We're working on changes to how Zotero saves attachments to try to improve things on sites like ScienceDirect.