Any way to insert Hyperlink to webpage into citations?


I've seen a few discussions regrading this but I wasn't able to get a clear understanding of the status. I am working on a document (Word) that will be uploaded to a website. i would like readers to be able to click on the citation in the document (not the bibliography) that would take them to the source site that is stored within Zotero.

Are there any methods to accomplish this?

  • no, Zotero has no functionality in that direction at the moment.

    I'm also not quite sure what you mean by "source site that is stored within Zotero".
    So I click on, say, a [1] in the text and that takes me where?
    What people have been asking for is links between citation and bibliography, i.e. you click on [1] or (Smith and Meyer 2001) and get taken to the respective item in the bibliography. Is that what you mean?
  • Not quite.

    when I create a new Zotero citation the URL for the webpage is stored within the Zotero Entry. When I utilize that citation in a document (Chicago (full note with Bibilio)) I would like either:
    a) The URL appear as a link in the footnoted citation. Or
    b) The entire footnoted citation to become and active link.

    With this capability a reader could just click on the citation and open a new webpage with the document being cited opened up.

  • ah ok
    a) is possible though, isn't it? Don't URLs appear as links automatically in word? Many styles print URLs.

    b) isn't possible and it doesn't sound like something that's likely to happen anytime soon.
  • a) As far as I can tell the only way that URLs are automatically changed to hyperlinks is "as you type" . Apparently inserting a URL does not trigger the conversion......
  • I noticed this too, that in at least a few of the styles I was using, urls did not automatically appear as hyperlinks in footnotes.
  • unfortunately, they do not appear as hyperlinks in the bibliography either, which would be nice, I think.
  • I would like this functionality as well (URLs display as hyperlinks in citations in Word).
  • I don't understand why some of my footnotes contain the web address and some don't. The URL is including in the my library info for the source, but does not show up in the footnote.

    It would be nice if the URL were actual links in the WORD doc.
  • I don't understand why some of my footnotes contain the web address and some don't. The URL is including in the my library info for the source, but does not show up in the footnote.
    This part is due to the specifics of each style-- many styles will show a URL only when a page range is not specified. You can tell Zotero to always include URLs by changing the appropriate preference in the Styles tab of Zotero preferences.
  • Thanks much for the advice.
  • I would also like having URLs as direct links. Is there no solution to this problem?
  • See my post above.
  • I didn't mean that URLs are not included in certain styles. I meant that URLs should also be hyperlinks. It can be manually done in word by selecting them and converting to hyperlinks, but that's tedious.
  • Ah. Does running AutoCorrect manually catch them and turn them into hyperlinks? Zotero shouldn't convert them by default, since the styling of URLs is dictated by the style (that said, perhaps it is possible to make them into hyperlinks and still override the hyperlink style in Word to make them look the way that the style requires.)
  • No, not autocorrect. I mean manually marking them, then making hyperlinks out of them.
  • Yes, but I thought that it was possible to semi-automate this process by having Word run AutoCorrect; usually it does AutoCorrect-as-you-type, which is not activated when the Zotero integration plugin adds URLs. I think you can have Word run AutoCorrect on the whole document, which should at least make the process more efficient.
  • If that is possible, I have no idea how.
  • I was trying to figure out how to do this too. You can run AutoFormat to insert hyperlinks automatically (in Word 2007, you add AutoFormat to the Quick Access Toolbar, select text, hit the Autoformat button and make sure the option for hyperlinking is ticked), but there is a big snag: AutoFormat doesn't seem to work on footnotes. If your style requires the URL to be displayed, then it's not actually that bad to hit the 'Insert Hyperlink' button within Word at each footnote, or alternatively you could have the links just in the bibliography which you could autoformat. (You would want to run this at the end I think, after you have broken the Zotero field codes.)
  • Hi everyone, I have the same problem as Skibumtx, does someone knows if there is any style that includes that posibility?

  • Unfortunately, I think no.
  • Oh! That's too bad. I'm a researcher that want to post a blog now in a website (WordPress) and I don't know how to avoid redundancies in hyperlinking every citation that I include with Zotero in Word...

    Thanks LiborA for the speedy response! Appreciate it.
  • with a WordPress blog, you should look at zotpress, which a) integreates your Zotero lilbrary into Wordpress very smoothly and b) hyperlinks URLs:
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