Show recent viewed items

It would be very convenient to have a "recent items" in the side bar like mac's finder's "recents" and windows's file explorer's "quick access".
  • What's your definition of a "viewed item"?
  • @dstillman In my typical use case, a viewed item is just an item whose attachment has been opened.
  • @CavalloneChen Recently Viewed items can be sorted by Date Modified. However, since you need to manually modify the item to be listed, which is a hassle. Good news is this can be automated. You need to use the Zotero Tag plugin
    There you can set the rules to add tag on item open say, "open tab" and remove the "open tab" on item closed. Now the item has been modified and viewed recently.
  • edited October 25, 2022
    Date Modified and "Recently Viewed" aren't related. There's no reason you should have to modify an item for it to show up as viewed.

    We'll be adding a proper Recently Read collection soon.
  • We'll be adding a proper Recently Read collection soon
    This is good news. Thank you!!
  • I might have missed this is this new "Recently Read collection" already available?
  • Please add this function ASAP!!! Thanks a lot!!!
  • @dstillman you said
    There's no reason you should have to modify an item for it to show up as viewed.
    Are you referring to zotero-tag functionality?
  • edited February 24, 2024
    @cjpoor: No. I'm just saying that a hack that requires updating Date Modified shouldn't be necessary for this, and we have plans to do it properly.
  • Ah. OK. Sounds good.
  • @dstillman will this feature be implemented in an update to 6, or in 7? will be a game-changer for my dissertation :)
  • Oh boy I love this application but man is it missing some BASIC features like a reading view, recently opened, spell check, and dark mode.
  • Just wondering, is Recently Read in Zotero 7? Thanks!
  • @dstillman Thank you for your quick reply and all the great work on Zotero!
  • Hello. Related to viewing recently opened files or collections, I was going to re-suggest some of the ideas suggested before in this post as features request.
    As mentioned before, there are some workarounds using plugins:

    1-Chartero (it adds recent opened option to the file menu) and actions and tags plugin (can also save a list of opened tabs as a saved session). Another workaround would be creating a tag of recent opened or making minor modifications (as adding a comment of recently opened) in any opened file to affect the date modified field.

    2-The "Ethereal Style" plug-in provides the functionality of pinning favorite collections as well as saved searches above the main library. This is really great and very helpful function in handling complex structures of collections.

    However, it might be useful to consider having these functionalities built-in in zotero itself with less consumption of resources (by adding an option for showing recent and favorite collections and saved searches, and recently opened files).

    Sincerest thanks to the Zotero main program developers and all plug-in developers for their tremendous efforts.
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