Item types from Pubmed translator
Now that Pubmed contains some preprints and that Zotero got a preprint item type, it may make sense to record preprints as such when saved from Pubmed.
I checked a couple of preprints and they contain the line, when fetched using eutils:
With regards to information saved as Article, the needed changes may be
Publication -> Repository
Pages -> Pages (under Extra)
ISSN -> ?
I checked a couple of preprints and they contain the line, when fetched using eutils:
<PublicationType UI="D000076942">Preprint</PublicationType>
With regards to information saved as Article, the needed changes may be
Publication -> Repository
Pages -> Pages (under Extra)
ISSN -> ?
One from aRxiv: 37064529
One from Research Square: 37398060
Thank you.