How to downgrade back from Zotero 7?
The hard work the zotero-team put into the new version is very much appreciated. It looks good and I am sure, it will be a great next step. But since the upgrade, mdnotes and zotfile dont work anymore and the pdf-viewer is not working very well: some files just plainly dont work and in other files, some elements only show up sometimes and disappear when zooming in.
The former (plugins) was kind of expected and though sad is tolerable. The latter is very, very bad.
So, I would prefer to go back to zotero 6. Any way to do that?
The former (plugins) was kind of expected and though sad is tolerable. The latter is very, very bad.
So, I would prefer to go back to zotero 6. Any way to do that?
Documents I tried:
- "Faktencheck Artenvielfalt"
- the former documents: zooming in using ctrl and mousewheel led to pages not rendering. However, if I zoomed out again and moved to previous pages, these were rendered. When I then moved down again, the previously not rendered pages were rendered again.
- the latter document didnt open at all - this has over 1.000 pages though...
system: Intel I7-3770, 3.4 GHZ, just noticed however, that it is still Windows 10.
1) Could you send the 10.14512/9783987263361 file to with a link to this thread?
2) How much memory does your system have?
3) What is your screen resolution?
2) Memory: 16GB
3) 3840 x 2160
Thanks, I was able to download the file. However, I haven't been able to reproduce the issue so far. Seems like an issue when there is not enough memory for Zotero.
1) Are you using the 64-bit version of Zotero?
2) Is there a difference if you have only one tab open compared to having multiple tabs open?
2) I tried to open it as the only tab.
I can open it without any problems when using Zotero 6.
1) Is there a difference if you reduce your screen resolution?
2) Can you provide a Debug ID for loading these PDF files?
1) Is there a difference if you reduce your screen resolution?
2) Can you provide a Debug ID for loading these PDF files?
I will check it out - however I need to re-install Zotero 7 and go through everything again. It will take me about a week, since it is very busy right now.
I've lost so many useful features since Zotero 7
I agree. For me, the loss of zotfile and mdnotes hurts most. And some addons will not be updated to the new version...
However: I want to reiterate, that I appreciate the hard work of the zotero-team and enjoy zotero very much! Keep up the good work!
BTW plugins from v6 showing as disabled in v7 does not mean that a v7-compatible version is not available for download. For example DOI Manager is v7 compatible:
Yes, this is absolutely not a criticism of the devs' investment or their skills, but rather of the decisions that have been made regarding governance.
For me, and I know I'm not the only one to think so, the ZotFile features should have been integrated natively into Zotero 7. The code existes and several of us even suggested updates on GitHub, but as this plugin has been inactive for several years now, nobody can use them.
Going back to Z6 is not a solution, it's a work-around :-) The longer-term solution is to find suitable replacements, sometimes with different plugins, sometimes with the new functionalities of the main software.
About suggesting plugins, it would be nice if they were put on this page for those who don't go to the forum: I guess it's up to the plugin authors to do this.
Edited to add, just to prevent any misunderstanding: this is entirely the developer's appreciation, I'm not blaming the Zenodo team in any way. Documentation is available, and the beta phase was long enough for most plugins to be ported if the authors were motivated.
We're obviously not going to integrate a feature that we don't think the vast majority of people should use and that we can't even provide support for. There are multiple plugins that provide this functionality for Zotero 7.
Advanced features being implemented by plugins is a feature, not a bug.
Sorry to be another one encountering problems with the disappearance of zot file send to tablet functionality. yes, i'm aware of zotmoov etc and tried them but they are not full replacements. My scenario. I read and annotate PDF files on an e-ink tablet and use the send to tablet functionality to cycle PDF's between my computer and the e-ink device. The zotero mobile apps are not an option in this scenario. Although zotmoov can send a file to a directory it lacks the functionality of tracking which files are send to tablet (the tablet files folder in zotero) and the PDF's modified on the tablet ( the tablet files (modified folder)). These are highly relevant for the workflow i've been using for years. Also the way zotfile options were listed in the right click menu was more intuitive.
I have a lot of respect for all the work that the zotero developers do and in no way i'm complaining about the work that has been done. It's just in my particular workflow rather annoying to all off a sudden be encounter with functionality thats not working anymore. So I'm hoping zotfile as it was known will have a comeback but will have to explore returning to version 6 for now
Thanks, im keeping an eye on zotmoov and have indeed supported suggestions. When all the functionality needed for my workflow or slight adjustments to the workflow will work i will definitely switch to the newer zotero. As said above, do appreciate all the work thats being done to keep zotero up-to-date.