How to downgrade back from Zotero 7?
The hard work the zotero-team put into the new version is very much appreciated. It looks good and I am sure, it will be a great next step. But since the upgrade, mdnotes and zotfile dont work anymore and the pdf-viewer is not working very well: some files just plainly dont work and in other files, some elements only show up sometimes and disappear when zooming in.
The former (plugins) was kind of expected and though sad is tolerable. The latter is very, very bad.
So, I would prefer to go back to zotero 6. Any way to do that?
The former (plugins) was kind of expected and though sad is tolerable. The latter is very, very bad.
So, I would prefer to go back to zotero 6. Any way to do that?
Documents I tried:
- "Faktencheck Artenvielfalt"
- the former documents: zooming in using ctrl and mousewheel led to pages not rendering. However, if I zoomed out again and moved to previous pages, these were rendered. When I then moved down again, the previously not rendered pages were rendered again.
- the latter document didnt open at all - this has over 1.000 pages though...
system: Intel I7-3770, 3.4 GHZ, just noticed however, that it is still Windows 10.
1) Could you send the 10.14512/9783987263361 file to with a link to this thread?
2) How much memory does your system have?
3) What is your screen resolution?
2) Memory: 16GB
3) 3840 x 2160
Thanks, I was able to download the file. However, I haven't been able to reproduce the issue so far. Seems like an issue when there is not enough memory for Zotero.
1) Are you using the 64-bit version of Zotero?
2) Is there a difference if you have only one tab open compared to having multiple tabs open?
2) I tried to open it as the only tab.
I can open it without any problems when using Zotero 6.
1) Is there a difference if you reduce your screen resolution?
2) Can you provide a Debug ID for loading these PDF files?