Suggestion: Option to Bring Colors Back to Icons
I would love to have the option to make the "New Item" "Add Item(s)" ""Add Attachment" "New Note" icons colorful again.
There is one thing I miss about Zotero 6 and that is icons with color and text with higher contrast. For me, who has ADHD and autism, the grey icons tend to blend in with each other, especially considering that backgrounds are also gray, so it usually takes longer to find the right button in Zotero 7.
I can probably imagine that others prefer the more minimalist and modern suit (and I agree), but Zotero is a tool that should be effective, and then form must follow function - aesthetics give way to efficiency. So to satisfy everyone's needs - aesthetic and universal design - the opportunity to change this with different themes would be ideal. Something that probably shouldn't be very demanding to implement now that you can switch between dark and light themes?
Originally published here: Now available: Zotero 7
I know there was a recent, somewhat fraught thread about the app's appearance, but I think these comments raise other, legitimate points.
It also would be nice if you could change the color of the icons for the subcollections on the left an if there were a button to turn the dark mode on/off.
And since there are just a few buttons on the top there should be an option for individual buttons. f.e. direct buttons for adding a book, book section etc. the icons are already existing so I think this wouldn't be a big expense.
Tab bar, context menu items, and collection icons should be colored as before.