[Android] [Feature Request] Annotation line and highlight tools issues

I would like to know if it would be possible to adjust the line width of the free-hand annotation tool. With the default width setting, writing something comprehensible (more than a few huge-sized words) using a stylus pen isn't easy.

Another appreciated feature would be for the highlight tool to continue highlighting following the line break on the line below instead of or in addition to selecting a rectangular text area to highlight. Practically, it should work the same way as the desktop app.

Thanks for considering these requests.
  • I also find the highlighting needs to be improved to follow the pen rather that having to rely on d block highlight
  • edited May 1, 2024
    [Merged into this thread — D.S.]

    Love that an android app has been developed.

    One issue I am having is that the pen highlighter uses a rectangular shape when highlighting across many lines. Please see the attached image where I am trying to highlight from "the" to "transformations"

    On the desktop and ios version the highlighter follows the pen, in a much more natural way, and also ensures you highlight the exact piece of text you want.

    Please consider upgrading this in your next release please. Awesome work!
  • edited May 1, 2024
    (@fmerwick: Thanks, but please don't create new threads for the same issue. Posting to this thread is sufficient. I've moved your new post to this thread.)
  • edited May 1, 2024
    @Claudiocima: You can adjust the ink-annotation line width from the popup of the color swatch.

    We'll fix the issue with highlight selection, which is just a bug.
  • I'm still experiencing the issue mentioned by @fmerwick and @Claudiocima about the rectangle that the highlighting tool creates. Is it supposed to have been fixed in any of the latest releases? Or will it be fixed in a future version of the app? I'm running the version 1.0.0-74 of the Android app.

    Thanks for the great work in creating the app!!
  • edited June 14, 2024
    No, unfortunately this is (somewhat inexplicably) a problem with the popular PDF library we use, so it affects many apps on Android. We've reported it to them and are hoping for a fix soon.

    Note that you can still highlight multiline passages without this problem in unlatched mode, where the highlight tool is deselected and you just highlight text and then choose "Text Highlight" from the popup.
  • Thanks for your reply, and for the tip!

    I hadn't realised highlighting text that way works just fine.
  • edited 16 days ago
    This should be fixed now in 1.0.0-97.
  • Thank you! Works great on Boox Note air 2 plus. And the palm reaction is very good. Nice to see how the app develops!
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