Meldung: Zotero-Datenbank kann nicht geöffnet werden

Hallo Zusammen

Ich kann Zotero nicht öffnen, es kommt immer diese Meldung.

Die Zotero-Datenbank kann nicht geöffnet werden.

Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Lese- und Schreibberechtigungen für alle Dateien im Zotero-Datenverzeichnis haben, und, dass Sicherheitssoftware den Zugriff von Zotero auf das Verzeichnis nicht verhindert.

Datenverzeichnis: /Users/lisad/Zotero"

Ich habe die App vorhin auf einem Microsoft Surface benutzt, jetzt auf einem Macbook. Auf dem Mac konnte ich sie jedoch noch nie öffnen. Ich habe die App bereits mehrmals neu installiert und finde leider keine Lösung hier im Blog..

Weiss jemand, was ich machen kann?

Vielen Dank und liebe Grüsse
  • Ich habe das gleiche Problem! Hast du eine Lösung gefunden?
  • That error pretty much means what it says. If you moved files from another computer (particularly without using Migration Assistant, which should do this correctly), you may need to fix permissions so that your user account can read and write all folders and files within the Zotero data directory. You can do that from File → Get Info on the data directory in Finder, but we can't provide general OS guidance here. This isn't a problem in Zotero itself
  • I have the exact same problem and the answer from @dstillman unfortunately doesn't help :(

    Has anyone found a solution to this problem? I'm also installing Zotero on my Mac for the first time and haven't been able to open it once. I've only used it on a Windows PC before and it worked there. According to the Zotero information on my Mac, I have read and write permissions.
  • @lucyannkolb: Open Terminal from Spotlight, paste this in, press Return, and let us know what it says. You can x out your username.

    ls -la ~/Zotero
  • @dstillman it says:

    ls: /Users/<username>/Zotero: No such file or directory
  • What about this?

    ls -ld ~
  • You mean only ls -ld ~? Then it says:
    drwxr-xr-x+ 54 root wheel 1728 13 Okt 2022 /Users/<username>

    When entering ls -ld ~/Zotero it again says:
    ls: /Users/<username>/Zotero: No such file or directory
  • edited 10 days ago
    OK, that's wrong, and it would mean that no program could create a folder in your home folder. So something messed that up. How did you set this computer up? It would be very strange for Migration Assistant to do that.

    Run this:

    sudo chown `whoami`:staff ~

    It will prompt for your password. Type it in (it won't show up), and then press Return. After that, Zotero should be able to start.
  • Seems to work now! :)

    I used sudo chown `whoami`:staff ~ and then mkdir ~/Zotero

    (no clue why my computer was set up like that...)
    Thanks for your help @dstillman !
  • edited 9 days ago
    You didn't need to run mkdir — Zotero obviously creates its data folder itself. It just couldn't do so when your home folder was owned by root.
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