Does Zotero work with the online version of Word in Office 365?

When I try to work with my document in the cloud on Office 365, I can’t see any Zotero link or icon even though I have Zotero installed on my laptop with a plug-in for my installed Word program.
  • edited February 15, 2019
    The Word plugin doesn't work with Office Online, only the local version. (You can of course copy one-off citations and bibliographies to Office Online, but you can't use the plugin functionality.)
  • any plans to make a plugin? Endnote has one so it's possible.

    As a linux person, this would my only option as WPS does not have a plugin either or wine MSoffice does not work anymore.
  • LibreOffice is the typical program used on Linux
  • I do all of my work locally in LibreOffice with Zotero and then export as office 365. I then upload to the office 365 server at work or at school. The office nerds don't even know that I did that.
  • Hard when a document has to be made by 3 people.
  • edited April 9, 2021
    @forevertheuni Multiple people can simultaneously edit a document using the Desktop Word application, so long as the document is stored in OneDrive, exactly the same way they can with Word Online. Zotero works in that scenario.

    With respect to Linux, you could use Word Online while your colleagues handle the citations in Word Desktop. This is unfortunately a problem that LibreOffice development has not kept pace with modern commercial word processing tools.
  • I'm pretty sure MS is on par with libreOffice in functionality. It's not our fault MS doesn't let me buy it for linux either.

    I use google docs with zotero, but using office365 would help on the people that like to use things just because they always had (MS office).

    I don't understand the point of any of your comments, or what they aim to achieve.
    The request was: - We would like a plugin for online office365 and zotero, if you don't have a use, I don't see why other people wouldn't, and you'd come trolling here with your other preferences, we don't comment on their validity either.
  • We're looking to make a plugin for Word Online, but it's currently impossible due to limitations of the Word JS API. Microsoft developers have indicated that there might be some improvements coming to the Word JS API in the next 6 months and have suggested that the additions necessary for Zotero integration are high on the priority list, but we have no guarantees or timelines at the moment.
  • I hear you @forevertheuni - working in teams is extremly hard, when everybody else uses MS Office, while I am the only Linux/LibreOffice guy. Especially when you write papers with your boss ;)

    Thanks for the insights @adomasven - this sounds (a bit) promising.
  • Thanks @adomasven. If we can pledge funds for that functionality, tell me where. I will.
  • @forevertheuni: As Adomas says, it's not our limitation — the functionality we need doesn't exist in Word. We'll implement this as soon as Microsoft makes it possible.
  • Hola MaxPetras:
    Es posible trabajar con Google Drive + FreeFileSinc + Zotero + LibreOffice, todo esto bajo Ubuntu, el asunto es que sólo puede puede editar una persona a la vez, dos o más personas en simultáneo no ha sido posible. El documento debe ser nativo de LibreOffice con extensión odt.
  • Que bueno, gracias Román!
  • Any update on this @dstillman. I just found that Mendeley has one plugin that works in the online version (aka, editing in OneDrive with online Office 365). Mendeley plugin/extension is too slow to pick up new references and would like to use Zotero where I have all my references and notes.
  • No, we've continued to talk to Microsoft about this but the functionality we need in Word Online isn't yet available.
  • Thanks! I hope they will increase the functionality of Word online soon. It has many limitations...
  • edited November 6, 2023
    Oh microsoft where did you go?
    Still I would love to have zotero (or actually any citation tool at all) in the web version of word...
  • @dstillman and @adomasven do you know if there are any updates on this?
  • @seungjukim: You can be sure we'll announce when there are any updates.
  • @dstillman Who do we need to lobby at Microsoft to make this change? Be it for Word online or the iPad OS version of Word...
  • @bbarry5: No one. We're actively working with them to make both happen.
  • Please make it happen! I do not want to migrate to Mendeley :(
  • Just coming to say that more and more researchers are stopping the use of Google Documents in favour of Word Online, and having a Zotero plugin for Word Online is becoming crucial in order to keep using Zotero. Let us know if we can do anything to help make this happen!
  • Agradeço os esforços, no aguardo por melhorias e disponível para apoiar no que for preciso.
  • To anyone who many be keeping up with this comment, we have confirmation that the add-on for Word Online is now in testing phase!

    I assume it should be here by the end of the year? @dstillman @adomasven

    Please let me know if there's anyway to opt in some type of beta testing
  • (I have no internals, but I think that's a very optimistic reading of that post)
  • I've got a question that might be related to this. When I edit a Word doc on desktop my citation is listed in the doc and the footer but when I open it in Word Online I will only see the citation number and not ref in the footer is removed. Is this because it needs a plugin for Word Online? Just conscious because if I want to get my draft checked by turnitin, it currently won't check the citations I've added because they're not displaying on Word Online. Will this be resolved by the plugin?
  • edited October 18, 2024
    @globalfinn: You'll need to wait for the Word Online plugin, yes. Sorry, see below. (You would of course need to wait for the Word Online plugin to add/edit Zotero citations, though.)
  • @globalfinn Actually your citation is still available in Word Online, but currently the Word Online document editor does not display footnotes by default. You have to click on these footnotes in the document to show the footnote content, so someone with only access to Word Online could review your document and see the citations.

    I am not sure why Microsoft has designed their Word Online editor that way.
  • @adomasven @dstillman @adamsmith

    At the risk of being yelled at, I have to ask if there's been any updates on Word Online plug-in...

    Apologies and thank you in advance.
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