Available for beta testing: Zotero, redesigned

  • the redesign is wonderful... and faster ... if you could add options for a few custom fields and possibly (like Calibre) allow for the import of book covers (cover art) and have a flow or grid view, that would be fantastic
  • >Improved keyboard access and better support for screen readers (with more improvements to come)

    I'm particularly interested by the improvements to come! Please, can you allow to scroll in pdf with vim-like keyboard shortcut (hjkl) ? This is by far my biggest grip with the pdf reader right now, adding this feature would be so amazing for many people.
  • Congratulations, that's a huge update!
    May I make some suggestions?
    - "Would it be possible to integrate a functionality that would allow opening two windows of the main window? It would be very useful to keep one window open while we look for other references, let's say to compare two references."
    - Would it be possible to enable the tag to be case insensitive?
    It is a bit annoying to have to care about the uppercase or lowercase letter, if we do not want have two tags for one word, example ("Social" and "social").

    Thank you in advance and thank you again for your wonderful work!!
  • Hello! Thanks for making possible to keep the abstract section expanded in the side bar. Can you please do the same for the annotations in the left side bar? It really is a very time-consuming task to go over the annotations and comments as they are all contracted by default.
  • I'm looking forward to version 7. Do we have any idea of a timeline for release?

    My IT department works way ahead of time and needs to know the version of software for fall 2024 by June 14. I would LOVE to be able to use version 7 but don't want to put the beta on our machines that will be frozen from July to October.
  • Huge thank you to the team. Absolutely love the new dark mode and 64-bit support. I'm pretty sure it's going to make my dissertation better :)
  • Two more things: a bug report and a request.

    2. Tag Lists:
    (Tested with my current Zotero 7, and might have also been a thing in my old Zotero 6.)
    Background: I have tags that I create for myself. I can't remember the names of the tags. So for each tag that I create, I start the tag name with an equals sign.

    Steps to reproduce:
    - In the Item Detail pane, try to add a tag.
    - Type "=", and scroll through the list of tags available.

    Expected behavior: I can see the full list of every tag whose name starts with "=".
    Error behavior: Only the first dozen or so appear. To see tags that are alphabetically further down the list, I have to type "=e", then "=f", ... basically hunting for what I've got.

    3. I'd like to get PubPeer or Scite back.

    The first thing was my request a while back for names of variables to change in Advanced Settings (or maybe a config file somewhere?), so that I could make the interface more readable for me (I need more contrast, and to bring back the input field borders). If the settings aren't exposed, then I'd like to request that they be exposed and be editable in a future version.

    (And the custom columns :).)
  • Hi.
    I just checked the Zotero 7 beta version; It's fantastic with the UI improvements.

    Is there any option to keep the PDF white(not in dark mode) within the dark mode?
  • @navaneethnpk: From the announcement:
    There’s an option to disable dark mode for content from the reader’s View menu.
  • edited April 21, 2024
    Are there any ways planned to customize the dark mode reader colors? Default dark colors are hard to read (low contrast gray on black), is there any way to change the defaults?
  • I apologise if this has already been asked, but: are there plans to allow varying the darkness of dark mode for content? E.g., the Zotero Night add-on (https://github.com/tefkah/zotero-night) had a dark navy/grey colour that I particularly liked.

    I prefer dark mode over light mode overall, but pure black with white text can sometimes be a bit stark and difficult on my eyes too. I haven't yet tried the Night add-on as I've only just installed the 7 Beta, and thought there might be a clash. But yeah, interested to know if others have the same preference as I do, and would like a variety of options for how dark the content viewer is. Thanks!
  • edited May 8, 2024
    @naquad @janguv If you just need a white backgroud in reader, uncheck "View - Use dark mode for content" in the menu bar. Note that this option is only displayed when the reader is opened.
    For more colors, see https://github.com/MuiseDestiny/zotero-style/releases
  • @jiaojiaodubai23 Thank you for pointing to the plugin :) For PDFs it is an eye savior! It doesn't work with ePUBs yet though (there's a corresponding bug in the repo).

    For my needs, it is more than enough currently.
  • @jiaojiaodubai23 - thank you. I was familiar already with the dark/light native switcher for the PDF content viewer, but the add-on is new to me. As @naquad says, it's a bit of a saviour! Cheers.
  • We've incorporated some of the above feedback (from @migugg and @Greg in particular) and made the item pane header configurable, while moving the Title field back into the Info section. More details here:

  • Question for whoever is using the Zotero 7 Beta Flatpak on Linux. Do you get a totally black "Z" letter as icon for Zotero as well?


    I get the black Z in both the search results and the top panel (Which acts as a "task bar"), but I get the original logo in the dock.
  • Thank you to all contributors for your valuable involvement in the field of science.
  • Hello everyone! Does anyone happen to know if there’s a way to pin notes at the top? Additionally, I’m still trying to figure out how to view all the comments and annotations in full view rather than the contracted view. Any suggestions are welcome.
  • ::bug:: In 7.0.0-beta.83+066eda731, hovering over the citation number pops up the correspondence reference but, the beta version mistreats the cross-reference (say eqn number) to reference, instead of showing up the correspondence cross-reference. Fix needed?
  • Just noticed that hover on name for reference peeker tooltip. Is that new? Love it!
  • @Negyb " (like Calibre) allow for the import of book covers (cover art) and have a flow or grid view, that would be fantastic" – yes agree! This intuitive visual overview also similar to fx. how PDFs appear in the Mac Finder symbol view would be so nice
  • Anybody who knows if a modern redesign for the Zotero Word plugin is also in development?
  • @coelen yup, that's new and I love it too. Wish it could do the same for endnotes though. That would save a lot of time. I don't know why all academic journals and books employ footnotes instead of endnotes...
  • edited June 13, 2024
    Ah, the new Zotero looks and feels amazing!! I'm very happy I upgraded, even though it;s still in Beta. The Addition of EPUB support is so welcome! Thank you!!

    A few points / issues / suggestions:
    1. The fime format in Date Modified does not follow my system (Windows 11). My system is set on 24H, but Zotero dispalys AM/PM.
    2. If there would be a possibility to sync Saved Searches accross devices, that would be great. And Integrating them within Collections would be even better.
    3. Will the iPad App support EPUB files?
  • @antromano Where did you get the Zotero 7 beta flatpak? It doesn't seem to be available on Flathub, only the stable version 6.
  • @AntopoDani
    You can follow the instructions here for install beta packages from flathub: https://discourse.flathub.org/t/how-to-use-flathub-beta/2111

    But be warned, using the flatpak version is (sadly) not recommended and it is not supported. The Word/LibreWriter/GDocs connector, for example, doesn't work for some reason. The package maintainer hasn't fixed the issue yet.

    Better use the tarball.
  • I'm wondering if anyone else has this problem - I'm finding sometimes I can't zoom in and out by holding down control and using the scroll wheel. Nothing happens. If I right click and zoom in then the mouse wheel will start to work.
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