juris-m: word won't recognise juris-m anymore

edited March 4, 2020
Hi, I just downloaded and installed the latest version of juris-m (5.0.83m3). before it worked just fine. now word thinks zotero is not open, i.e. won't connect to juris-m.

my stats:
mac 10.12.6
ms word 2011 version 14.3.8

I am slightly panicked - in the middle of writing my master's thesis.
thanks for any advice.
  • thanks bwiernik!
    am still having the same issue: "Word could not communicate with Zotero. Please ensure Zotero is running and try again.”
  • hi, am still having issues here with juris-m.

    can someone explain to me what the following instructions from the troubleshooting page mean?

    "Windows plugins communicate with Zotero using the remote window. Thus, launching Zotero with the -no-remote command-line option will prevent the plugins from functioning. (You might do this accidentally if you have multiple Zotero profiles.) The solution is to remove the -no-remote command-line option from the shortcut used to launch the Zotero profile (this flag should never be used with Zotero)."
  • If you don't know what that section means, it doesn't apply to you.

    14.3.8 is an extremely old version of Word 2011. While it may not help with this issue, if you're going to stay on Word 2011, you should start by updating to the last available version, which is 14.7.7.
  • thanks for the advice. updated word - still it does not recognise juris-m.
  • We can't help with Juris-M, but for Zotero we'd suggest that you close Zotero, go to your Zotero profile directory, and move extensions.ini, extensions.json, and the 'extensions' folder to your desktop, and then restart Zotero, and see if that works. (If any of those don't exist, that's OK.)
  • edited March 20, 2020
    @rtk12: The advice of @dstillman should apply equally to Jurism.

    Jurism uses the same word processor integration plugins as Zotero. To avoid possible mis-communication between Word and the Jurism client, be sure that Zotero is not also running (normally either should refuse to run if the other is already up, but if Zotero is running, be sure to stop it).

    If you still have problems after following @dstillman's suggestions, try stopping Jurism, and running Zotero (installing if necessary) for a fresh trial. If the problem persists in Zotero, open a separate forum thread (for clarity) and Zotero staff can advise.

    If the connection works in Zotero but not in Jurism, post back here, and I'll track down the cause.
  • Hi,
    I am having a same problem. For new mac, the jurism M Plugin has vanished from Microsoft word.
    If you close Jurism M and open zotero standalone, the zotero plug in for word works. However, if you open Juris M and try to use the same plug in, it doesn't work at all
    In mac, you can only open Juris M or Zotero at one time. I need Juris M plugin for legal citations, and not just zotero
  • Hi, I am having the same problem. With Zotero the Zotero Word for Mac plugin is working just fine. As soon as I open Jurism, a pop-up says "Word could not communicate with Zotero. Please ensure that Zotero is open and try again."

    Troubleshooting hasn't helped.

    Are there any news on that topic?
  • Hi all, I seem to be in a similar boat. I was happily swimming along, investing time in improving the Law Review CSL-m file as I went for international legal materials, but today I restarted my computer and either word or Zotero/Juris-m may have updated and the word plug in is no longer working. I'm in a bit of a pickle. I'm in too deep with the legal citations to move to Zotero so it's Juris-M or bust. I'd rather not bust.

    Right now the plug in recognizes Zotero. If Zotero is open and running the plug in will connnect and work as expected. It will completely ignore Juris-M. If only Juris-M is open I receive an error "Word could not communicate with Zotero. Please ensure that Zotero is open and try again."

    Could anyone help me brainstorm what might be causing this? Alternatively, if someone has a link to the Juris-M discord, I would love to poke around for solutions there.
  • I have the same problem. Just installed Juris-m (been meaning to do this for a long time), but I can't work out how to use it from Word. Juris-M has picked up my existing Zotero library, but the Zotero tab in Word won't communicate with Juris-M (which I gather it is supposed to?). Seems to be exactly the same as for dmf3k above. If Juris-M is not open and Zotero is, Zotero still works fine.
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