trouble connecting PDFs to files

This discussion was created from comments split from: Error exporting to RIS.

  • Quick question that I need to answer before I can begin coding. My final sample size is 234 records and I'm exporting from ZOTERO. However, 158 of those records do not have a PDF attached. These files *can* get PDFs attached (but not found through the query on Zotero) but it would be a record-by-record strategy of copying the URL and clicking through the webpage to save the article as a PDF (not a view online) and reimporting into Zotero. The problem with this strategy is that it loses the tags** that are automatically assigned through the original platform from which the record was systematically identified (through an advanced search). This means I'd have to copy/paste all those tags over to the new PDF record so as to not lose that data. As a result, these 158 (view online) records are classes as EXTERNAL on NVIVO while the PDF files that transferred successfully during the systematic advanced platform search are classed as FILES. The sample size adds up but I can't actually code EXTERNAL files because I can only see memo data, not the written file itself. This means I'll certainly have to address the PDFs on each of those 158. QUESTION -- does anyone know how to solve this problem in the quickest, least tedious process possible?
  • @s1968258
    Please don't double post. This question is best for the new discussion that you've already created.
  • Ok you got it. Thanks for the heads up. As it happens, I was reading this Troubleshooting page: re: translator issues across major platforms (JSTOR is one of the big players in my review) and I found that I was able to actually retrieve loadable PDFs (at least across JSTOR) but they weren't uploading because my QUOTA of 300mb was hit... I think if I upgrade, I can resolve at least the JSTOR problem (might this also be attributed to my inability in downloading PDF metadata through JSTOR / ScienceDirect online?
  • What do you mean by "uploading" -- if you're working with RIS export, sync (and thsu the storage quote) is immaterial.
  • I mean, they weren't entering my Zotero collection from the online connector tool.

  • The connector isn't really online. It's a link between your (local) browser and your (local) Zotero database (assuming you're running Zotero locally, which you presumably are).

    If you're not getting PDFs via the connector, your storage quota doesn't matter.
  • Ok fair enough.. but then why am I having trouble connecting PDFs to files? Also Adam, I'm wondering if you can help with another matter.. I've just accidentally deleted my entire collection. I followed this protocol:
    under header: Restoring From the Last Automatic Backup

    and renamed the BAK files, then reopened, but my backup isn't there. the sqlite file is over 94,000KB. I'm sure that's the collection. how can I restore it? I'm in serious panic!
  • edited May 18, 2024
    You need to create new threads, with clear titles, for all new issues. I understand you're stressed out, but you're making it impossible for people to help you.
This discussion has been closed.