The latest of App Store keeps crashing

The latest version from App Store (1.0.36) keeps crashing on iPadOS 17.4.1(iPad mini 6)
  • Is it promoting you to submit a Report ID when you restart the app?
  • The last report ID I got is D1187023748. However, I haven’t been able to get the ID every time. Sometimes it just crashed before the ID can be displayed.
  • When you start the app after a crash there should be a popup with Report ID (just numbers, no D at the beginning). Only after you confirm that popup the app should continue to load.

    Anyway does the app crash "randomly" or do you do any action before it crashes? Does it crash almost immediately or are you able to work with it a bit before it crashes? Do you maybe have any reproduction steps?
  • Can you also please go to the > Privacy & Security > Analytics & Improvements, search for any recent Zotero crash logs, and send them to, mentioning this thread?
  • I noticed the app is more likely to crash when I open it if I had previously closed a PDF open. When I relaunch the app, it automatically reopens the PDF and then the crash occurs.(May be the file is too big?) In addition, I did not get the popup with Report ID when I relaunched the app.

    And I already sent the crash log to the support team in an email.
  • @hushiyang can you answer the following questions:

    * If you close the open PDF, by going back, close the app, and try to launch it again, does it ever crash?
    * Do you usually terminate the app in the app switcher, by swiping it up?
    * Does the app crash for any PDF it tries to restore on launch?
    * Do you happen to have a very large annotations number for these PDF attachments?

    If you happen to have more crash logs, please send those as well.
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