Entries are no longer loaded locally

Good morning, I have a problem with loading my entries. The entries in the individual folders no longer load, nor do the entry duplicates.

For hours it only shows "Loading entries..." "Load tags...".

The library contains approx. 400,000 entries and 350,000 duplicates. Merging the duplicates still worked 2 days ago. The problem started after a restart.

  • So, first, that's an extraordinarily large database. (The actual item count is likely some multiple of 400K, including child items.) And the database file is over 2 GB. You also have a whole bunch of 2 GB temporary files, possibly from force-quitting the Zotero app while it was performing a database operation (e.g., making an automated database backup). You can close Zotero and delete the .tmp files in that folder, which will free up almost 13 GB of space.

    How long have you actually waited for it to start up? If you recently (i.e., in the last month) moved items to the trash (including by merging duplicates), it could be trying to purge items from the trash, which currently could take quite a while.

    You should let it run overnight or longer and see if finishes. It would also help if you can provide a Debug ID for Zotero startup through an hour or so of waiting, using the "Restart with Logging Enabled…" option, so we can see exactly what's going on.

    I would not particularly expect Show Duplicates as currently implemented to load in any reasonable amount of time with a database that large.

    If you're still using Zotero 6, given the size of your database you may have better luck with the 64-bit version of the Zotero 7 beta.
  • Thank you for the quick reply. It takes about 2-5 minutes to start Zotero.

    After that you can select all folders, nothing happens except the message "Loading entries...".

    I have already let it run overnight without success. I will continue with deleting the .tmp and the debug ID and let it load again for many hours.

    Thanks for pointing out the beta of Zotero 7, I will test that as well.
  • Can you provide a Debug ID via "Restart with Logging Enabled" for Zotero startup through about 5 minutes of waiting for the selected collection (not Duplicate Items) to load?
  • Do I have to be connected to a Zotero account in the local version to get the Debug ID?
  • No. I linked to instructions above.
  • After activating and restarting, an error appears that the styles cannot be loaded.

    If I then restart and select a folder in the library, Zotero crashes after about 2 minutes. So I can't generate the debug ID.

    I could still try to activate the debug mode (without the restart).
  • You should submit a Debug ID before it crashes.
  • It worked, including the restart. However, I selected a library and only waited a few seconds. I hope that was enough.

  • edited April 23, 2024
    That just shows it loading data. Again, you should switch to the 64-bit Zotero 7 beta build, particularly if you're getting crashes in Zotero 6. We can't help with a library this size in Zotero 6 on Windows.
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