Inserting citations into text

Sorry for the dumb question, but I cannot work out how to insert citations (not bibliographies) directly into my word processor (OOo). For example, something along the lines of (Smith 2003: 43). Obviously I could just type it in but it becomes hard to keep track of citations when there are many, when you start cutting and pasting or when putting together a bibliography at the end of a long project.
  • No faust99, this is not a dumb question. Automatic insertion of citations into OOo is in the plan, and probably in the works, but not yet in the software.

    For now your two options are to export your zotero bibliographic data to an OOo database and use OOo's citation features, or keep your data in Zotero, and use zotero's copying features to get references into OOo via the clipboard. (Or possibly to export your zotero data to some other bibliographic manager which already has OOo support, and use it directly.)

    Note that there is currently no automatic export for the (Smith 2003: 43) part of the citation, but you are able output the List of References (Bibliography) for the end of your document, provided your preferred output format is in Zotero's list. Just add each item to a Zotero collection, and then export the whole thing when you are finished.
  • Thanks Scot.

    I guess we'll just have to wait :)

    Getting short citations such as (Smith 2003: 43) into the body of the text, and then having Zotero create a bibliography at the end is the key feature that I'm after. All of the other functions in Zotero are fine.

    Great software in any case and looking forward to the extra features.
  • I, citation is geat in versiĆ³n 1.0.0rc3, but I dont know how to change the citation to be.. folowing faust99 example, form (Smith 2003)... to (2003) asuming that I type Smith.
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