Zotero 7 beta: please put the split view back

edited January 26, 2024
[Split from https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/111074/available-for-beta-testing-zotero-redesigned/p1]

Thanks for the new version!
But please put the split view back!!! Now it can only be split in about 2/3 screen but not a half like before, which is hard to write something beside zotero with Word etc.
  • Not sure what you mean. Can you say more?
  • Thanks for your reply!

    Sorry, I am not a native English speaker and I'll try my best.

    I mean sometimes you want to put the Zotero on the left of the screen and other software like a notepad on the right of the screen, so you can use them at the same time without switching windows.

    But this new version can't do like that in a good way. I've noticed that Zotero now minimizes to occupy at least two-thirds of the screen, rather than half the screen as before. This makes collaborative work with other software more difficult because it leaves too small a portion of the screen for other programs.

    I'm not sure if all of the Zotero performance like this, but it's do occur on my computer.
  • What's the resolution of your screen?
  • On my laptop screen (1366x768) it only does 3/4. On my external monitor (1920x1080) it does 1/2.
  • It looks like there's a minimum width that shouldn't be there. We'll investigate.
  • Hi,

    I have a similar problem.

    I am using a MacBook Air M1 (2020) running Zotero 7.0.0-beta.58+2665090aa.

    I am using the default built in display (Retina 13.3 inch, 2560 x 1600).

    I want to use split screen with Zotero pdf on the left and my Word document on the right.

    If tile the window to the left (click on the green icon on top left of toolbar - 'Enter full screen' / 'Tile window to left of screen' / 'Tile window to right of screen') and select open Word window for the right, the Zotero window takes up ~two-thirds of the screen rather than half as expected, and was the case with previous versions.

    This also occurs if I try to open a different window, for example Chrome in the right tile.

    It also occurs if I try to tile the Word window first to the right and then select Zotero.

    I have attached a screen grab.

    My expectation is that the Zotero window should default to half of the screen.

    As you can see it defaults to ~ two-thirds and I am unable to 'drag' the window smaller.

    Many thanks

  • This is what dstillman said. There is a minimum width that shouldn't be there. You can see it when you change the resolution of your screen. I guess the issue is still under investigation.
  • @sumikak, @baswein, @rolandsmith: Beta 74 dynamically adjusts the window's minimum width to account for the visible panes, so if you want to make the pane much narrower, you can close the item pane.
  • This is helpful to know. Would it be possible to change the behavior so that the panes would automatically collapse (or reappear) as the window is resized? This would make it a bit easier to arrange windows.
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