merged duplicate items and then found the collection items are removed automatically

I am first time user on zutero. I created a four different collections from four different databases: IEEEXplore = 612,
Scopus = 2658,
Science Direct = 612
and Web of Science = 1235.
I merged all duplicated items and found 2014 items in Trash. 6 items were not of the same type, I deleted them individually from duplicate item folder. but I found that item from two collections are automatically reduced automatically. Science Direct are now contain 522 item. Also, Web of Science reduced to 1225.
Why items from main collection are reduced automatically and where they gone? How can I retrieved the reduced items again?
  • edited 19 days ago
    It's a little hard to understand your exact problem. However it may relate to the differences between merging and deleting. And the need to record accurate counts for certain types of academic search jobs.

    When you merge two items that exist in two different collections, the merged single item then exists in both collections. So it will be included in the item count for each collection. However as it is a single item, it will only be counted once in the library count. The item that was *not* kept in the merge will be moved to the trash.

    If however you *delete* one of the two items (move to trash), that item is then gone from the collections it belonged to and from your library. If you want it back, you have to retrieve it from the trash. If you then want to merge it with another item, you have to convert them to the same item type, and then merge.

    So particularly when accurate database search counts are important, you really just have to decide how you want to deal with some types of duplicates - for example where searches return both a conference paper and the later journal paper for the same piece of work. Do you really want both to be counted as different items ? (in which case you would not merge them). Or do you only want to keep the journal paper ? (in which case you could merge them as the journal paper [maintains all counts in all collections where the two items existed], or delete the conference paper [removes it from every collection where it existed, and reduces the item count by 1 in each of those collections]).
  • Depending on your search strategy, you might also have had duplicates within a database collection. Meeting those would lower the collection count
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