trying to connect it to my word account

  • Can you restart Zotero and provide a Debug ID from Zotero for reloading Google Docs and clicking Add/Edit Citation?
  • Is there an easier way to go about this? I recently got a new Mac so I feel like I shouldn't be having problems
  • To be clear, this just works for the vast majority of people.

    You can restart your computer, you can try in a different browser, you can ask a librarian at your school for help. But if you want help here, you'll need to provide the information we ask for.
  • How do you provide a debug ID?
  • I linked to instructions above.
  • The Debug ID I have is D519235673
  • What do I do from here?
  • That doesn't show any use of the plugin. Did you trigger Add/Edit Citation while that was running? If not, can you try again?

    You can also provide a Debug ID from the Zotero Connector (rather than the Zotero app) for reloading Google Docs and clicking Add/Edit Citation.

    More generally, you should make sure your Zotero Connector is actually working properly and that you can save pages to the Zotero app — this would almost always be the first thing anyone using Zotero did, so it's a little odd to be coming in just trying to use Google Docs like you are (and it's why you had the permissions problem above). You can just try saving this forums page. If it saves and the item shows up in your Zotero app, without asking you to save to your online library, it's working fine.
  • I think my add edit citing is working since it is opening up the red bar but when I typed in the article (didn't include an author) I wanted to have in my paper it said 'Zotero is updating your document'
  • edited April 3, 2024
    You have to select the item you want from the search results so that the blue bubble appears and then press Enter, which will close the dialog and add the item to your document.

    You can see this in the documentation:
  • It gave me the option to 'open it in library'. the only information of the article I have is the article is that is why it isn't adding in the citation?
  • edited April 3, 2024
    I don't know what you're asking at this point, but you're not actually responding to what I'm writing and throughout this thread haven't seemed to have taken the time to read the things I've linked to, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to stop here.

    I linked to documentation for using the plugin. You can read through that to learn how to use the plugin and ask specific questions after doing so, or you can ask for in-person help from your library, which appears to provide support for Zotero.
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