Style Error: Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche (Deutsch)


the german style "Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche (Deutsch)" differs in some details from the guidelines of the journal. You can find them here:

The differences are in the following:
- The stylesheet shows Englisch titles in title cases. The Zotero Documentation explains that - if necessary - Zotero transfers the sentence cases from the title field into title cases for the citation:
It seems that this might not work at the moment for this style.

- The stylesheet recommends the use of journal abbreviations, but Zotero shows the whole journal title instead of the short title.

- At the end of every note the stylesheet sets a period that doesn't show up with Zotero.

- Authors, editors etc.: They are in small capitals. If there are more than three of them, the abreviation "u.a." should not be in small capitals.

- Journal articles: One comma between journal title and volume doesn't fit in.

- Book chapter: There are differences in the citation of the book title and editor and Zotero doesn't show the pages of the article.
The guideline says: K. RAHNER, Erfahrungen eines katholischen Theologen (in: K. LEHMANN [Hg.], Vor dem Geheimnis Gottes den Menschen verstehen. Karl Rahner zum 80. Geburtstag [Schriftenreihe der Katholischen Akademie der Erzdiözese Freiburg], 1984, 105–119), 109.
Zotero says: K. RAHNER, Erfahrungen eines katholischen Theologen (in: Vor dem Geheimnis Gottes den Menschen verstehen. Karl Rahner zum 80. Geburtstag, hg. von K. LEHMANN [Schriftenreihe der Katholischen Akademie der Erzdiözese Freiburg], 1984), 109

I'm very thankful for help and - if my observations are correct - an adjustment of the style.

Kind regards
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