trying to connect it to my word account

I downloaded Zotero on my new Mac air and need it to connect to my word through my school account to cite my references and for in text citations but I haven't been able to do so and need help
  • Zotero doesn't currently work with Word Online, if that's what you're referring to. We're currently working with Microsoft to make that possible. For now you'd have to use the desktop app or use Google Docs.
  • How do you I get Zotero to connect to google docs? It didn't do that for me either
  • I wasn't able to find how to connect it to docs. I only saw the functions of how I can use it in docs
  • Is there another way you can help?
  • From the top of the page:
    Google Docs support is part of the Zotero Connector for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari and requires the Zotero program to function.
    You need to install the Zotero Connector in your browser and reload Google Docs, and then a Zotero menu should show up.
  • I downloaded the Zotero connector last night and just downloaded the Zotero 6 option
  • OK, so reload Google Docs in your browser. If you don't see the Zotero menu, take a screenshot of what you see and add it here.
  • Actually it only me the option for Zotero 6 and not for Zotero connector, it just said to save it from my browser
  • I am using safari if that makes a difference?
  • edited April 2, 2024
    OK, this is what it says on the page I linked to and on the main download page when you load them in Safari:
    The Zotero Connector for Safari is bundled with Zotero. You can enable it from the Extensions pane in the Safari settings.
    See Zotero Connector and Safari for more details.
  • I clicked extensions and add on but Zotero didn't show up for me
  • edited April 2, 2024
    After opening Zotero for the first time, you can enable the Zotero Connector from the Extensions pane of the Safari settings (“Safari” menu → “Settings”/“Preferences” → “Extensions”).
    Not "Safari" menu → "Safari Extensions" — that's something different.
  • I turned it on but still don't see it connected to my docs
  • edited April 2, 2024
    Reload Google Docs and provide screenshots of Safari's Extensions pane and Google Docs without the Zotero menu in it.
  • I see the Zotero tab now on my docs but when I clicked on it there was no response
  • Nothing happened when I clicked on the Zotero tab in docs?
  • edited April 2, 2024
    If you haven't used the Zotero Connector for anything else yet, you likely need to give it permission to run on all sites. Click the Save to Zotero button at the top of this page and, if prompted, give it permission to run on all sites, or go to the Websites tab in the Safari settings, click on Zotero Connector on the left, and make sure any sites that show up and "For other websites" are all set to "Allow". (If you do the first one, it will save this forum page to your Zotero library, but you can delete it after.)
  • I did and it said 'this extension can read and alter webpages you visit and see your browsing history"... is this not a safe option?
  • Ok I got it to connect I just don't want private information to be shared
  • From the page:
    No data is stored except when you choose to save a page to either your local or online Zotero library.
  • It's my first time using Zotero for this assignment. When I clicked add/edit citation nothing popped up? Also how can I eventually transfer this to word which is requirement for this particular assignment
  • Ok it did mention the private information issue as a warning on my Mac
  • For my references, do I go on the Zotero app to get them in the format I want then paste it in the docs?
  • No, you use the plugin as explained in the documentation.

    If you're not seeing anything happen, reload Google Docs and restart the Zotero app and try again, and check whether a dialog is appearing behind your other browser or Zotero windows. That's usually all that's happening.

  • how do you check the dialog?
  • edited April 2, 2024
    Look for the dialog among your other windows. It's part of the Zotero app.
  • I did not see it in my Zotero app unfortunately
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