Inline citations

I have an issue when dealing with inline citations. Some of them are inserted with the initials of the authors when they should not. I already checked the issues commonly discussed within this forum. I already discarded a disambiguation issue, also not related to the inclusion of the citation from "cited items" (when insert the citation in a new document, the issue persists). While reviewing my library I noticed something: If the reference was taken directly from the site of the publication (using the "Save to Zotero" plugin in the browser) , the reference is inserted correctly without the inititals of the authors. On the other hand, if the reference was added manually to the library (using the "New Item" button in the software) by typing the information, the initials are added. I have already tried creating manually the reference and copying exactly all of the information that is added automatically when adding the reference directly from the site, and the issue persists. Can someone clarify to me what is the fix for this issue?
  • Can you take a screenshot of the right-hand panel in ZOtero for one of the items that's affected by this? I'd suspect incorrect data entry from what you're writing.
  • Thanks for the answer. I checked the data entry and you are right. Apparently the default setting for specifying the authors is "single field", which makes that if the author's last name and name are included by separating them with a comma, they are interpreted as a whole. I switched it to "two fields", and specify the last name and name in the corresponding fields, which fixed the problem. Thanks again!
  • (It's not the default, it just remembers the last state of that field)
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