Short note and full note

I need my endnotes, in Word, to be a mixture of both short note and full note (Chicago style) - depending on whether I am including them in the bibliography or not. Is this possible? Thanks
  • Not in any automated way, no. You could copy and paste the full notes instead of using the Word add-on I guess?
  • Thank you. So to clarify, like this?:
    - Use Zotero add-on in Word for Chicago short note
    - Use the reference/'add endnote' tool within Word to manually paste a Chicago full note

    And just to double check:
    - When I need to include a citation AND a comment, use Zotero add-on and use the suffix/prefix to add comments (or all manually with Word, if I want comment+full note).
    - When I need to add comment only, use the tool within Word to manually input

    Just want to double check these crossovers are okay. Thanks for your help.
  • Yes, exactly (and you can copy the full note from Zotero, of course, using quick copy or create bibliography).

    Test this out before you go too deeply, but I'm pretty sure this will work
  • Thanks so much!
  • Just to add to this thread - after trying this, it requires manually typing in the citation rather than copy and pasting. So, in this case, I set the Zotero citation preference to full note (because it would be longer to have to manually type this), and then when I wanted short note, I manually typed it in for the Word reference footnote function. This is because when I copy and pasted the citation from Zotero, Word would recognise that it had come from Zotero, and start to sync it with the preference I had set, making them all fullnote - so that was very frustrating. So just a heads up for anyone else:)
  • Why manually typing? You could just copy the citation from Zotero; that's functionally equivalent to typing (except that it takes less time).
  • I think what earthsea3 might mean is that they were copying and pasting the Zotero citation within Word, which would pick it up as a field rather than just text.

    Copying from the Zotero library (Ctrl-Shift-C in Windows) will allow you to paste just the text into Word.
  • When I went into Zotero, clicked on the reference, created bibliography from it, then pasted it into Word (into the footnote), it would recognise that it had come from Zotero and it would sync it (to the citation preference I had set). Even when I pasted it elsewhere, then copy and pasted that, it would recognise it had come from Zotero. If that makes sense?
  • edited March 25, 2024
    There's some sort of confusion here. If you use Quick Copy or right-click → "Create Bibliography from Item…" → "Copy to Clipboard" in Zotero, and paste that into Word, that has no connection to Zotero whatsoever and absolutely would not be changed by Zotero going forward. The only way for it to have a connection to Zotero is if you insert it using the Word plugin.
  • Hmm okay I've confused myself, because I just went to test it and it isn't doing what I thought it would do - maybe I was sleep deprived and was making other mistakes - sorry, maybe my comments should be deleted so as not to confuse anyone else haha, thanks for your help
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