Zotero experienced an error updating your document.

I experienced this every time I wanted to update my citation. Zotero will show this message and stop working.

My debug ID is D1406319768

Please help. What should I do?
  • You should submit a Debug ID after attempting to cite in Word. Otherwise, follow the instructions on the troubleshooting page and report what happens at each step.
  • I use google doc. And yes, it was after I tried numerous times trying to cite and follow the instructions in the troubleshoot. I tried to make a copy, but still, I tried changing browser, to firefox, still.

    Please walk me through this. I really need to submit my thesis in a very near future.
  • The debug ID you have submitted above is for a Zotero restart, which is not what we need. Follow the instructions in my link above for how to generate a Debug ID. Make sure it captures you attempting to cite in your document and receiving an error.
  • D1730819862

    So, I opened my Google Doc file. Then try to add any citation. Then the text pops up

    Zotero experienced an error updating your document.

    Would you like to view troubleshooting instructions?

    I directly move to my Zotero app to get the Debug ID, it asked me to restart with logging enabled.

    I restarted it. Then I went back to my document again to redo the citation. Again the text pops up. This time, I went to the app then produced the debug id as above. I hope this one right. Please help.
  • Does it happen in a new document? Do you use any unusual or new Google Docs features in your document? Does it work if you remove them? If it doesn't happen in a new document could you try to isolate what is causing this with the last step of Troubleshooting Errors in Word Processor Documents instructions?
  • I didn't install anything new. Now, I downloaded the file and retraced every single link of my 300s citations because I also cannot use the switch word processor feature as well.
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