[Zotero 7 Beta] Silently failing to delete external annotations

If the PDF file is opened in another program during import of external annotations, Zotero will fail to delete the original annotations. However, the user does not get any information about this, leaving ghost annotations in the PDF file.
[JavaScript Error: "NotAllowedError: Could not open the file at C:\Users\mjthoraval\Zotero\storage\HFXQZ38N\Miloh - 1977 - Hydrodynamics of deformable contiguous spherical shapes in an incompressible inviscid fluid.pdf for writing"]
If further annotations are made externally, all the annotations will be imported again, making duplicates of all annotations.

I would expect that the information seen in Zotero on the PDF file should always stay consistent with the actual content of the file:
1) If there are only Zotero annotations, the actual PDF file stored by Zotero should not contain any annotation.
2) If annotations are added externally to the PDF file, they should be detected by Zotero, with the option to import them.
Point 2 is already working nicely. But point 1 is broken due to the problem mentioned above.

Is it possible to stop the import process if the file is locked outside of Zotero? With an error message telling the user to close the file before doing the import?

Debug ID: D829445140
Zotero 7.0.0-beta.68+c31a40c74 (64-bit)
Windows 10
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