Avoid having foreign names in citations trigger the spell checker

Dear Zotero makers and users:

I am afraid I may be missing something about the way to use either Zotero (6.0.35) or LibreOffice ( When I cite a bunch of papers with foreign names, they all trigger the spellcheck so when I have to spellcheck the document I have to spend all this time ignoring the authors' names.

Is there some setting so that the in-text zotero citations won't have a language associated with them? In libreoffice you can manually select text and choose 'no language' for spellchecking of that selection, but that is quite time consuming.

Also, I know in Zotero for LibreOffice's "set document properties" dialogue I can select a language, but I can't seem to select "no language".
  • There's no setting in Zotero to disable spellchecker in LibreOffice. The spellchecker is controlled entirely LibreOffice. The language settings in Document Properties affect in what language various abbreviations and conjunctives appear in citations and the bibliography.
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