Google Drive vs Zotero storage

Hello Zotero community.
When I upload a file to Zotero, instead of uploading to Google Drive as I have set in the preferences, it uploads to Zotero Storage. I then have to go into Zotfile to rename it and upload it to Drive. Why?
I should add that I have to use Zotero 6 Windows to do all this, as Zotfile does not seem to work in version 7. The Mac version is even more complicated.
I understand that one want to address the Zotero storage system, but it is expensive and inconvenient for those who have a large database related to the university where he works.
  • Your use of 'upload' is a bit ambiguous/unclear. By 'upload a file to Zotero' do you mean via the Web Connector, or some other method ?

    By 'uploads to Zotero Storage' do you mean online Zotero storage ? If so, and if you just started using Zotfile, chances are you may have Zotero file syncing still turned ON (under Edit\Preferences\Sync). After turning that to OFF, a PDF downloaded via the Web Connector will be moved by Zotfile as a linked attachment file to the Custom Location folder (as set in Zotfile preferences).

  • The problem is ZotFile not working in Zotero 7. Attanger plugin gives same options as ZotFile on Z7, minus send to tablet function.
  • Thanks for your reply tim820 and ulahcherubim.
    I will try to be more specific.
    By "upload" I mean dragging and dropping files from my computer to the Zotero Desktop App Library.
    By 'Zotero Storage' I mean the folder dedicated to Zotero locally (on my computer).
    About ZotFile I know, it's a peaty. I'm using Zotero 6. I'm not Shure that Attanger is an official plug in.
    I hope my answers are clear, and thank you again for your attention.
  • The drag method you've used so far is not actually using Zotfile. It's just Zotero's drag operation.

    If you want to add *existing* PDF files on your computer to Zotero (that do not yet have Zotero items) as linked files in a Google drive folder, you can do it two ways. The second way is basically how you have done it so far. This applies to Zotero v6 (some things could differ under the v7 beta).

    1. Copy or move the PDF files into the Google Drive folder (if not already there). Then use Zotero's Ctrl+Shift (in Windows) drag and drop to add them to Zotero as linked files. Zotero will take a moment to read the file and try to extract metadata (during which it may look as if nothing is happening), and then look for more online. If it finds sufficient data, it will create the parent item and place the linked PDF attachment under that item. It it can't find information to create the parent, the file will be added as a standalone PDF file (you can then manually create the parent item under the right click menu). The linked PDF file will not be renamed.

    2. If the files are not already in the Google Drive folder, drag the PDF files into Zotero (without the above Ctrl+Shift modifier for linked files). Zotero will create the parent item as above, if it can. Zotero will make a *copy* of the PDF file in an arbitrarily-named folder under Zotero\storage. Then, use the right-click menu to invoke Zotfile's Manage Attachments\Rename & Move, which will move the file out of Zotero storage to Zotfile's Custom Location folder (set to Google drive), as a linked file (and also rename it).

    You can select multiple PDF files for these processes. It's a good idea to do them in manageable-size chinks rather than all at once.

  • Thanks for the suggestions: clear and concise, even for a layman like me.
    Method #2 is the one I have been using for a long time with Zotero for Windows 6, in part because it allows me to automatically rename attached files based on the metadata and my additions to the Zotero record.
    I must have missed something, because I still don't understand why Zotero has to "copy" the attached file to its own arbitrary location when in the settings I have configured a specific local folder for attachments that is itself synced with Google Drive. The issue gets more complicated with Zotero 7, with Mac and the incompatibility with Zotfile.
    Too bad, in simplicity lies the power of success, although Zotero's real secret weapon is its community.
    Thank you.
  • @cesare.beccaria, Attanger is just as "official" as Zotfile. Both are third party software and not maintained by the Zotero crew. Status-wise the difference between the two is that Zotfile has been around for quite a long tme now while Attanger is a fairly recent creation.
  • Nothing about this is more complicated with Zotero 7 or Mac; you still seem to be misunderstanding something.
  • @adamsmith maybe I just miss Zotfile in Zotero 7 (function: Rename & move).
    Thank you @gduffner I will try Attanger that I couldn't find in Zotero
    About Mac iPadOS Zotero app: I miss the possibility to read the attachment.
    Thank you everybody
  • iOS is not Mac, it's Apple -- that's one of the reasons to not use linked files: they won't work on the mobile apps (or the web library).

    Zotero Attachment Manager ('Attanger') is here:
  • Hi @adamsmith!
    Can you tell me where I can find the .xpi file to install Attenger?
  • The releases page of the github repository has the released versions of the .xpi file. i.e.
  • Perfect!
    Thank you very much @rap59.
  • edited July 23, 2024
    I am not using Zotfile nor Attanger and I am not sure if the way I am linking from a Zotero Item to a file in Google Drive is the right way. However, the steps below are working for me so far. I thought I would share just in case it is useful to someone else.
    1. Place your document in a folder in Google Drive
    2. Copy the link to that document ( ... > share > copy link)
    3. Right click on the item in Zotero and select "Add attachment > Attach link to URI
    4. Paste copied link in the Link field
    5. (Optional) Write title of attachment: e.g. "Full text in Google Drive" <-- if no title is provided the item will be entitled "View"

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