Zutilo in Zotero 7--Which of its functions are most essential?

  • @aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, it's script #115 (://github.com/windingwind/zotero-actions-tags/discussions/115). It's not exactly like Zutilo, because the one script handles both item links and collection links. Let us know if this script isn't giving you the expected output.
  • @DonnaCoxBaker It seems like this script is for copying item links, not item fields. So it has a totally different use. AFAIK it can't be used to copy/paste author names or other metadata. Or am i misunderstanding?
  • Apologies @aaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I misread what you were looking for. I am not familiar with the copy field Zutilo function. I never used it. Perhaps @hsiangyu_wong can respond.
  • edited February 28, 2024
    I'd be glad to have

    Copy item fields
    Paste into empty item field
    Paste non-empty item field
    Paste item type

    These would be useful because metadata often come in wrong from publishers.

    I can make a correct book, create a book section from it, then "copy item fields" and "paste into empty item field" to fill in missing fields, which keeps the imported authors but adds the editors, for example.

    If I want to replace a field, eg. if the series title got entered as the book title, I can make a dummy chapter with data only in the fields that I want to overwrite and "Paste non-empty item field", which replaces the respective fields with new data but doesn't erase any fields. This works for everything except author/editor misnomers, but that's ok to do by hand.

    Relate items

    would be really useful too.

    I tried the Actions @ Tags plugin, adding the unread tag works but the Update item metadata or Auto-tag when keyword detected in title did not so far. will play with it more.

    thanks for asking and for making Actions & Tags!
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