Bug: "Insert Citation" not working when certain style is missing

I changed my data directory to an empty directory to get a new library. Then, when I'm taking notes, the "Insert Citation" function in this new library stops working (see error report id: 2112781744). The error says "getCiteProc is not a function".

The new data directory lacks several styles (in "styles/" directory) that I possibly added some time before. By copying these styles to the new data directory, "Insert Citation" starts working.

This suggests that some function assumes certain style to be exist (though I can't recall any possible operation that may cause it to rely on user-added styles).

Is it possible to improve the code, so that it uses another style when certain style is missing?

(Also, see this issue, which also discusses this problem: https://github.com/dvanoni/notero/issues/12. They said, "the code assumes that the APA style is available and uses it to generate the name of the Notion page".)
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